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Lukas dragged his feet as he made his way into the bedroom. He continued to wait. A few moments later, he heard the shower running.

Without hesitating, he went straight for her in the bathroom.

In the midst of a shower, he heard Victoria mumbling and moaning. She groaned about letting the water massage her skin. She even muttered that her body was finally fresh and clean. He shrugged off his clothes. His c*ck went instantly erect at the thought of

Victoria naked. Naked and wet.

Steam filtered through the door of the bathroom into the bedroom. He’d given her space, so she could relieve her pain and exhaustion. But it had been an hour and he couldn't stop himself from being worried.

He was afraid that she would be taken away from him, again.

All day he’d watched her go to and from training, carefully guarding her from the shadows to ensure she didn’t encounter any more trouble. But she’d continued to ignore him. Maybe because she likes to focus on strengthening herself and her power.

But how about him? He needs her!

There would be no more playing nice.

He gripped the cool knob, turning it without hesitation. The heat of the bathroom enveloped him. She was so wrapped up in her solo conversation she didn’t hear him. Though he had stealth, the soft squeak of the lock was not something he could stop.

He slipped inside the tub. She had her eyes closed. Water rained over her head and down her bare body. A low rumble sounded in his chest. Her golden skin due to her all-day training was flushed. Her n*pples were puckered tight, calling him for a taste. And the scent of her arousal made it impossible to stay quiet. His wolf growled, the sound riding up from his balls and through his throat.

Her eyes jerked open. Darkness filled them until her pupils ate up the brown.

“Lukas.” She used that f*ck-me voice that turned his c*ck concrete stiff.

“What are you doing here?”

“You're. Mine.” That was the best he could do. The wolf was jerking at the skin. He wanted her and the beast did too.


Two steps and there was nothing between them. Her eyes widened. She licked her lips. He lost it.

He pushed her from under the spray and back against the cool walls. Their lips met in a rush. There was no caring. Gone was the idea of taking things easy. He needed her. The beast pushed at his skin, wanting to get loose. They both wanted a taste of his mate. Lukas fought to control the savagery of the animal. It was nearly impossible. Then Victoria shoved her tongue into his mouth and bit his lip.

F*ck slow.

She raked her nails down his shoulders. A shudder rocked his body. As if that weren’t enough torture, she curled a leg around his waist and rubbed the heat of her p*ssy over his c*ck. Lust drove his thoughts.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

He cupped her face in his hands, driving his fingers into her wet hair and pulling her head back to an angle he wanted. He gripped her hair, loving her loud moan. The scent of her arousal grew thicker in the small space.

She pushed him until they were turned and his back was to the wall. He growled low in his chest. The sound vibrated through their kiss. She pulled back and he snarled. A soft smile played on her lips.

She laughed before rushing out of the shower. “Catch me if you can.”

There was no time for games. He needed to be inside her. Water dripped down his body as he shut off the spray. He moved fast and caught her at the edge of the bed. She squealed.

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