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“Party tricks are well and good. You killed the Old beta not even sparing a day. I didn’t think you had it in you. You scandalized my court—well, we both know what they are, and what they’re worth. But can you do it when it counts? Now that you are my third command, what do you plan to do?” Victoria met Lukas stare. She realized that Lukas didn’t inherit his father dark emerald eyes, he followed his Mother in that department. There was a whole winter in those eyes of his, and nothing else.

Even in Elder Jadissa's placid gaze Lukas could dig deeper and find a subtext, but his Father’s eyes held nothing but a cold season.

Victoria think that was where the fear lay, in the lack of curiosity.

She have seen malice many times and she had seen hate in all its colours. Victoria had seen the gleam in the torturer’s eyes, the sick-light, but even there was the comfort of interest, the slightest touch of salvation in shared humanity was not present.



Lukas might have the hot irons, but at least he was curious, at least he cared how much it hurt.

“I can give you the position if you truly wish to have it. But you should have said it earlier for me to arrange it for you,” Lukas said. Could he? Probably not. Of all the clans, Wolves stood unassailable above the rest.

The Wolves would probably had better claim to the Empire Throne than witches or humans. In the thousand years, wolves had ruled the lands, with great strength and power.

Victoria found her hand on the hilt of her dagger. She itched to draw the tempered steel, to lay it across his neck, to scream at him, to bring some heat into those cold eyes.

You are the reason to my family's death, you bastard! Her parents blood are still a nightmare for her.

Her sweet father lifeless body is barely cold when she embraced him. Promising him that she'll avenge him.

“I’ll need an army, Lukas. Now that I am your third command isn’t it right that I'll have my own men?” Victoria said. “And I promise that with me here, I won’t let your kingdom fall easy.”

“Then fine, you will have the Forest Watch. And there are two hundred of them.” Lukas spread his hands over the throne’s armrests and leaned back, watching.

“Two hundred men?” Victoria felt her fingers tighten on the pommel of her knife. Two hundred men are small but she can live with that.

“Thank you for your generosity I’ll take my brothers too, the assassin guild.” Victoria said. She watched his eyes. No flicker in the winter, yet the weakness in her wanted to confront him.

And she hates that.

“Fine you have my word Victoria, so anything else you want to add?”

"I want you to stay away from me from now on Lukas and let me investigate the case on the northern village." Victoria watched how his eyes are filled with amusement.

"Don't worry Victoria I won't push myself toward you because from now on, it's purely business. And yeah, before investigating the case. Please help the beta arrange a ball for the full moon event."

Suddenly Victoria was shocked. She can't believe that Lukas was finally agreeing, he's leaving her alone.

No hint of playfulness. He definitely change after sitting on his throne.

"Y-Yes I will." She responded with her mind trap in daze.

But why am I feeling a hard twist inside me?

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