chapter 11

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Victoria POV

With a cloak covering my face and the hood up over my head, I had hoped that I'll be shielded away from the view of the men.

And I thought I had been obscure in their crowd but I am wrong.

I glanced over my shoulder and I can see this warrior looking at me while curiosity etched on his face.

So I smirk and he right away move his eyes away from me then suddenly the smell of fear reach my nostrils.

Tsk, coward.

I thought it was over, but the feeling of being watched is still there and I hate it!

I need to stop it!

And when I scan the surroundings, I finally found the culprit.

The man was watching her all along. And amusement is all over his face.

He appeared to be a Highland warrior of old, but it's beyond that.

He's a predator.

Someone who had fought in all ruthless clan battles and come out a survivor.

Maybe he's a loyal friend of death and as I can see, it seems like he wanted a noose around my neck, too.

He lifted his nose and appeared to take a deep breath, as if he was trying to scent the wind. As if he was trying to smell me.

But damn him!

I won't give him the upper hand.

After what he did awhile ago. He's still acting like a perfect asshole and I am hating him more.

Though he acted like a dignified king, for me, he's still a murderer. And he somehow believe that he is a high mighty king that I should serve with all my strength but it's the latter for me.

And just remembering his scarlet eyes from awhile ago, my skin prickled with unease.

His eyes narrowed and suddenly I didn't expect him to walk towards my direction, a few other men following him.

And I can't deny it.

The force of powerful male like him made my heart trip over itself as my mind shouted at me to strove and get away but at the same time try to make it look as though she wasn't trying to evade him.

My heart pumped wildly as I tried to calm my nerves, trying to advised myself that running away is a proof of cowardness.

I was slipping down from my thoughts that I suddenly gasped in shock, not expecting a large hand grabbing my arm and effectively stopping my mind from wandering.

Barely able to catch my breath, I bit back a scream of frustration.

Why can't he leave me alone?

"Victoria," the king of asshole said with his voice low, "Why don't you eat with us?"

His blue eyes were narrowed, focused on me, yet a small smile curved his lips, as if he was amused that I thought I could evade a wolf.

I am not running yet but he seems to make it clear that he would always be around.

Because that was just what he was, a lunatic.

He's a dark wolf, with tall, muscularly built, but more wiry than bulky. His hand was holding me still, not bruising me but with enough pressure that I knew he was not about to let me go.

He was sure a sinful handsome beast, a devil dress in human skin.

The crinkle lines beneath his eyes telling her he was a man who liked to smile but I doubt that.

His masculine lips likewise not thin and mean like what I picture it would be, is pleasingly full with a curve that made me think he enjoyed life in a jovial rather than a cruel way.

His wind-tussled hair was an earthy shade of dark brown with streaks of red, and he had no hint of facial hair. He was lean and hard, not an ounce of fat, and determined, his jaw set, his brows raised a little now as he examined me more closely. He was taking a good long look, not in a leering way but taking in my distinctive appearance, but his efforts are in vain because I am well covered with my assassin suit.

Then unexpectedly he raise his left hand signalling something then the three warriors who had been trailing behind him walk away leaving her and the king.

"why don't you eat? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Lukas asked, his voice seductively low, an alpha in charge, wanting answers from me.

"Let... me... go," I growled lowly, trying not to make a scene.

"Come with me and join us. You need to eat witch, so how about this piece of meat?" he offered me a piece of grilled meat from his hands and I just looked at him like he grew horns in front of me.

He must know that I am digusted by his presence so he can leave me alone but damn him for pushing my buttons.

"Why look at me like that? Do you have something in mind that you wanted to eat instead?"
A shiver stole up my spine from the way he uttered his words.

Then I tried to wriggle loose of his strong grip, tried to peel his powerful fingers off my arm, but to no avail. He seemed mildly amused that I'd try.

"Let... me... go," I repeated, scowling up at him.

"If you are going to argue about eating then it's better to stay like this," he murmured moving his face close to mine.

"Now let me ask you again, will you eat with me or not?" He glanced over his shoulder, then turned back to her, and amended, "Do you want them to see me bending you right here... right now as I feed you in a way that we would both enjoy?" I can feel my face showing hint of embarassment.

And I am fighting the urge of beheading him right at this moment.

I shook my head. "Stop fooling around Lukas. Release me at once."
He did not seem inclined to do so, but a beefy half-drunken Edward came up behind him.

"Both of you, are you fighting?"
Lukas immediately released me so that he was free to face the drunk Edward.

Shit here we go again...

But she need to thank Edward for this because he saved her from this beastly king.

"I am sorry if I am like this my king, I just miss my mate."

I rolled my eyes after hearing Edward's words but this is an opportunity.

"Now I'll leave you both, I just need to check something," I said and that made Lukas stiffen.

"Wait where are you-"
I didn't let him finish his words because I darted towards my freedom, glancing back to see him struggling from Edward's grip.

Then suddenly I laughed to myself when he took a swing at the drunk Edward, and when he had
knocked him back several steps, Lukas looked for me and spied me getting away.

My heart did a flip. He appeared both troubled and exasperated.
I ran out of his sight, dashing down the trees until I passed by a big rock, Then I halted, pressing my right hand in front of my chest, I gritted my teeth.

What the hell!

She needs to find a way to kill him as soon as possible and return home while victory is in her hands.

Somehow, she had to figure out a way to deal with her emotions first.

She needs to eliminate the traces of weaknesses.

She needs to find a way to calm herself around him.

And she needs it right now.

Is there a spell for that?

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