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Inhaling, he growled when her scent. As if in a dream he reached out and snagged her around the waist and drew her up against his body. Her waist was so tiny he thought he may be able to wrap her with his arm.

She tilted her neck, and he could tell by the angle she would end up hurting her muscles, so he pulled his arm free and grasped her hips in both his hands. He cursed the fact that he could feel her hip bones jutting into his flesh even through the thick clothing she wear.

He lifted her until she was on eye level with him and dropped his gaze to her lush lips, hankering for a taste. Placing her hands on his shoulders to steady herself, she licked those cupid bows and glanced up again.

“What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

Knowing damn well she knew what he wanted, he didn’t answer. Instead he slowly lowered his head until their lips were a scant inch apart. When she didn’t protest but lowered her eyes to his lips, he groaned and moved forward until their lips met.

Lukas knew she was still drowned by her emotion from her nightmare that she can't  fight him back right now.

But he doesn't  care.

Not moving for a brief moment, Lukas savored the first contact of her mouth to his, then, growling, he brushed his flesh over hers in soft, slow passes so she could become acquainted with his touch. Again, when she didn’t protest or pull away, he deepened the kiss to the point she's gasping


He opened his mouth and licked her
lips with his tongue.

Her soft moan made his balls ache and his cock throb. Pushing his way into her mouth, he tasted every inch of her sweetness.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, which only made it harder for him to control his wolf and his raging desire.

He imagined her warm, wet pussy was now against his crotch with only the material of his clothing as a barricade, and the heat of her seared his cock. She whimpered into his mouth as he moved his hand from her ribs down under the her ass. Kneading her fleshy globes, he thrust his covered cock against her covered pussy as their mouths stayed connected and their tongues fought for supremacy.

The sweet aroma of her desire called to him and his wolf. He had never smelled anything so delectable in his life. Wrapping his tongue around hers, he drew it into his mouth and suckled on her like he imagined her doing to his cock, making his wolf howl.

Moving a couple of steps, he planted her back against the tree and pinned her with his body.

Easing an arm beneath her ass, he started to caress every part of her body, ripping the front of her suit and trying to access her naked flesh.

Growling into her mouth, she withdrew her tongue and finally her mouth from his, he rested his forehead against hers and opened his eyes and nearly came in his pants. Over with lust.

Following the pink in her cheeks he looked down her neck and chest. She was absolutely exquisite. He knew she would be, but his imagination hadn’t done her justice. Hard brown-and-rosy nipples stood out on her breasts, which were creamy white, the delicate blue veins visible under her skin, and her mounds were a delectable handful.

Lukas moved his hand up and cupped her warm, soft flesh, groaning with delighted arousal as her turgid peak stabbed into the palm of his hand. His mouth salivating for a taste, he kneaded her breast and slowly lowered his head. He opened his mouth, sucking the hard tip in between his lips, and he knew in that moment that one taste of her would never be enough.

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