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On the dark corner a monster dress in human skin mocked, laughed, and hurt his woman he enjoyed playing with.

Pinching the woman's flesh, pulling her hair. Showing how easy he can dominate this weak female and how useless she can be to him.

He’d even clawed at her neck letting blood oozed from her skin.

She placed a hand to her throbbing skin. It burned to the touch, and she wondered if someone like her can avoid infections.

She was human, and if it was dirty, she’d be sure to die.

Death sounded all right now.
She’d rather be dead than have to deal with the truth that this monster will kill her little by little.

He wasn’t human, not completely.

Half man, half wolf, and something dangerous.

The mark on her neck, are the living witness of how demon this man is.

It hadn’t been because of her stupidity she won't be in this situation.

She wasn’t attractive.

Or worthy of being a toy.

This man had told her that.

This man needed someone strong for his sadistic pleasure.

Someone who could be worthy of his attention.

She was nothing.

But he still kept her.

And he made sure she will feel less of herself.

In this moment, she missed her small village, her family, her mate, her friends. She wanted to go back home. To forget about this nightmare, and the way he smiled or looked at her. It was all a terrifying. He didn’t really have any feelings for her.

He was just using her for his entertainment.

“Aw, are we still alive?” the man asked, giving her leg a nudge.

She flinched and tried to curl her body in to herself, to make herself as small as possible.

It didn’t work. She cried out as he grabbed her hair and pulled her up so that his cheek was against her own.
He’d stripped her of her clothing, and he’d made a point of sneering at her full body. Poking and prodding at her cellulite legs. Laughing at how submissive she is.

She couldn’t handle much more pain or humiliation.

“Leave me alone. Please. I have nothing to do with this,” she said.

“You have everything to do with this. You’re the very reason we’re here now, dealing with it. You’re all the reason I need. For my demon to survive. Now, do you agree with me?” The woman can't answer his question.

“Well, answer me, you fucking cunt.” He spat in her face, and it took everything inside her not to lash out at him because she’d never been good at keeping her anger under control.

“I don’t have anything to offer to you.”

“You are human, I know. But I can also use you for my own pleasure. Your blood doesn't taste sweet like how witches taste but I can still use you to breed.”

The unprotected sex.

The man burst out laughing. “It would be nice right? I have a good mind to keep you alive. Let’s see if you have my pup. That would be fucking amazing. As I kill Lukas, take his throne, take his everything then breed you to bear my own children.What a great plan.”

“I don’t know who you are. Leave me alone.” Her old anxieties were coming thick and fast. She wanted to run, but they had her chained up. And she regret it for not being a fighter

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