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Her body was on fire. Tasting her need Zeke wondered how she had survived so long without a male. He couldn’t smell another man on or within her body.
Lifting up, he looked into her eyes. The once dark brown depths were a deep amber as she looked at him. Her wolf was begging for some action as much as the woman.
The word whispered through his mind. Zeke felt an answering awareness inside him. Their wolves liked each other. Mary closed her eyes, and when she opened them seconds later they were a dark brown once again.
“How long has it been since you’ve had a man?” he asked.
She shook her head.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m going to fuck you either way.” No man was keeping him from her.
“No man,” she said, gasping. Touching her skin he felt the heat radiating off her.
“I’ll take care of you.”
Flicking her clit, he felt her come apart within seconds. She screamed, jerking off the bed as her orgasm claimed her. Smiling, he stroked her bud with his fingers as he slid between her thighs. Gripping his cock, he pressed the length between her folds, coating his cock with her cum.
Her hand went to his arm resting by her waist. He bent down, claiming her lips. She moaned, opening up to his kiss. Zeke teased her lips with his tongue, wanting her to open up. Mary gave him entry, and he plundered her mouth, meeting her tongue with his.
Leaving his cock, he grabbed her hand, pressing them to the bed above her head. Locking their fingers together, Zeke deepened the kiss. Fucking left his mind as he took the kiss she gave him.
She moaned, pressing up against him. His shaft bumped her clit, and she cried out. Slowly, he pumped his hips, bumping her clit with every thrust.
Mary’s legs opened wide, giving him the space he needed.
Breaking from her lips, he kissed down to her neck, biting on her pulse. Zeke didn’t break her skin even though he wanted to more than anything.Instead, he sucked on her neck, marking her skin.
Was a month going to be enough?
Leaving one of her hands, he gripped his shaft, needing to be inside her more than anything else. He guided his cock to her entrance.
Sucking on her neck, he felt her writhe underneath him. She looked consumed by pleasure.
With the tip inside her cunt, he gripped her hip and slammed inside her in one hard thrust.
Mary tensed underneath him, and Zeke felt the small tender piece of skin break, letting him know what happened. Anger filled him at her lies.
His cock was deep within her pulsing at the feel of her tight, virginal cunt, which
My cheeks were flushed pink, my boobs heavy and round, my areolae and my erect nipples thick and pink. My wide, strong thighs were visibly shaking, my shaved pussy peeking out, a slight triangular gap showing between thighs and core.

“Lean over the bed.” His gaze was hot, dark, almost angry. Not angry, I realized. Just…intense. Virulently aroused, crazed with passion. I turned toward the bed, but was stopped by Roth’s hand on my shoulder. “Wait. I have a better idea. Come on.”
He nudged me away from the bed, toward his walk-in closet. Like mine, the room was too enormous to be really called a “closet.” The walls were lined with shelves and racks, shirts and suits hanging in neat, color-coordinated rows, jeans folded on shelves, shoes lined up against the wall on the floor. On one wall was a three-way, floor-to-ceiling mirror, and it was to this that Roth directed me. Each step made the bullet shift inside me, and my knees threatened to give out.
“Feet apart, bend over, hands on the mirror.” Roth’s voice was low, a grating murmur.
I stood in front of the center mirror, staring at the vision of us. Roth was behind me, six and a half feet of Norse-god perfection, his face all sharp, clean lines and hard angles, pale blue eyes flashing with his arousal. His carved chest swelled with each deep breath, his skin tanned golden-brown, contrasting against my own slightly paler flesh. I was on full display, standing straight. My hair was m

“Such perfect beauty,” Roth said. His hands rested on my shoulders, then slid down my arms, gripped my hips, around to my belly, carved up my ribs to cup my breasts. “And all mine.”
“All yours,” I agreed, grabbing one of his hands and pushing it down between my thighs to touch me.
He pulled his hand free, threaded his fingers into my hair. Shoved me forward so I was bent double. “Spread your legs, Kyrie. Hands on the mirror.”
I swallowed hard, putting my palms to the mirror and shifting my feet apart. I could see us in the mirror, turning my head to watch us from the side. I watched as he gripped his cock in his hand, nudged the thick head against my labia. My mouth fell open, and I gasped as he stroked the opening of my pussy and then smashed his head against my clit, making me cry out as a thrill lanced through me. He still had one hand buried in my hair, gripping a thick handful near my scalp.
He used my hair to pull my head back. “Watch us, Kyrie.”
“I am.”
“Don’t close your eyes. Watch us.”
“Okay,” I said, “I am. I’m watching.”
He glanced to the side, and our eyes met in the reflection. He teased my opening with his tip once more, and then slowly pushed himself into me. I let out a long groan as he entered me, wanting to hang my head as he slid deep but unable to do so because of his grip on my hair. Fully impaled, I felt the vibrator buzzing and felt his cock inside me, only a thin membrane of skin separating them. I was bursting open, filled past endurance, my pussy stretched and split once more by his enormous cock. I couldn’t breathe, but I couldn’t close my eyes and couldn’t move. I could only watch helplessly in the mirror as he drew back, I couldn’t take my eyes off his dark, wet-gleaming cock as it slid out of me. I drew a shuddering breath finally when he pounded into me, my ass cheeks jiggling with the force of his impact.
As if that single thrust had broken something open inside me, I gasped again and then let out a shriek, my palms on the mirror taking my weight, his grip in my hair holding my head up. Somehow I’d missed the fact that he’d rested the round wireless remote for the bullet on my back; he picked it up, touched a button, and the tempo of the bullet’s vibration increased. Another button-press, and it ramped up again, and a third had it buzzing so hard I could feel it in my belly, and once again my breath was stolen
Roth tossed the remote onto a nearby stack of jeans, curled his now-empty hand around my hipbone. I wanted to curse and scream and plead for mercy, but I couldn’t speak. I truly didn’t want mercy from this mad, wild bliss. And now he began to fuck me in earnest. Slowly at first, using the same slow withdrawal and hard in-stroke. I found my breath again, and the only sound I was capable of was a short, sharp scream with every pounding fuck of his hips. After a dozen of these slow-hard thrusts, Roth tightened his grip on my hair and pushed me lower, spreading me wider, letting him deeper. I wiggled my feet to widen my stance, walking my hands down the mirror, and found myself glad that I was naturally fairly flexible. I was off-balance, even my hands on the mirror not quite enough to keep me in place. I felt like I was about to fall, especially when Roth started a faster, smoother rhythm, giving me a hard push at the moment his hips crashed into my ass, rocking me forward.
“I’m not—I’m gonna…fall, Valentine,” I gasped, my words broken by the impact of his cock burying deep in me.
He slowed his rhythm, sliding slowly, letting go of my hair so he could gather it into a ponytail in his fist. “I won’t let you fall. Give me your hands.” I pushed my hips back against his, took one hand from the mirror and extended it behind me.  “Both of them.”

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