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 “Come here Victoria.” He held out his arms and tried not to groan when the soft inside of her thigh brushed against his erection.


   She climbed over him and carefully sat. His cock bobbed in front of her, touching her belly with each pulse. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her, but he had to go slowly.

   She straightened and looked down. His cock was thick, not entirely erect, and lying on his stomach. She wanted to feel that part of him against herself, wanted this last connection. She slid forward until the tip of him lay under the tip of her. She was wet, open and sensitized, and the feeling was so right, so perfect, that she groaned softly. Just a little pressure, just a little shift of her hips. Warmth blossomed at her core. She bit her lip and ground down some more.


   Her eyes were closed, so she started a little when large hands palmed her breasts, both at once. She gasped and slid against him.


   He brought his thumbs together with his fingers and squeezed her nipples. Oh, Goddess!


  He was growing under her, burrowing into her folds. 

  She leaned into his hands, pressing down harder, caught up in the sensation, trying to ignore her mind's protest that lingered inside. 

   His cock slid to the side. She whimpered in frustration and grasped him, holding him against her body as she rubbed her clitoris over his cock. So close, so close...

   “Put me inside you,” she heard him say.


    She shook her head, wanting to feel him here always. To stay in this moment for eternity as if in a dream. To never wake up. She moved faster over him, frantically, twisting her hips, moaning, her mouth gaping. Almost there, almost there...


   He squeezed her nipples and still it wasn’t quite right. She couldn’t complete. She was gasping now, weeping openly, and suddenly she knew that she needed him inside her to reach that point. Quickly, she wanted to lift her hips and placed him at her entrance and bore down.


    “Please offer your breasts to me Victoria,” he whispered.

   Her eyes widened. Good. At least he wasn’t the only one affected. She cupped herself, hesitated, then bent lower. Aphrodite herself couldn’t have been more alluring.


   He watched her face as he sucked a pink nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes, her mouth helplessly parted. Her c*nt was pressed against his cock, which was throbbing between them. She trembled and that darkness within him roared with triumph.

   He let go of the nipple. “Will you accept me now Victoria?”

   She frowned.

   “Please let me have you, Mount me Victoria.” The word was more an order than a plea, but he was past caring. He needed her pussy around him.


   She raised herself. He steadied her with one hand, held his cock with the other, and she slowly sank onto him.

   “Hold yourself open for me,” he murmured. Damn. It made the way easier, but he also had a wonderful view of her coral wetness.


   She gasped and fumbled between their bodies with her fingers. Poor angel. Led into corruption by a selfish devil who cared only for his prick. Ahh. He was half in now, the way tight and warm and soft.


   He took her hands away, put them on his chest, and used his own fingers to part her folds. To hold her as he worked his way into her tight passage. Paradise. He almost smiled. This was as close as he would ever be to heaven. He knew the thought was blasphemy itself, and he didn’t care. He was making love to his angel. Tomorrow the world might end, but right now he was balls-deep in wet woman. His wet woman.

    He thrust and she cried out.


   He was inside her, full and heavy, the feeling exquisite as he stretched her. She paused, savoring the sensation, wanting it to last forever, him filling her. She leaned over him, and in that moment felt his mouth close over one breast, pulling strongly.

   Her muscles contracted around him, and she came in long, lovely, warm waves. She sobbed aloud in gratitude, in wonderful release. She rubbed herself over and over against his hard body, her head hanging down in surrender, her hair draping over his chest.


   He muttered something and released her nipple, catching her hips. He pumped into her in quick, powerful thrusts, grunting with each plunge, his cock hard and hot and long within her. His movements, his obvious desperation, prolonged her pleasure,



   He felt a grin, not a nice one, split his face. He looked down and watched his reddened skin slide into her flesh. Lifted her up and pulled almost out. Saw the glistening moisture of her cunny coating his cock. And slammed back into her. Thrusting into her. Filling her. Claiming her. His woman. Always. Never to leave. Stay with him.



   She shook her head wildly. He pressed his fingers against her mound to feel it and to find that special pearl. She moaned, but he didn’t relent.

   He filled her with his cock and diddled her clitoris with his thumb, and he knew she couldn’t hold out. The walls of her sheath clenched and she came, raining her sweet pleasure on his prick. He buried himself in her until his balls met her bottom. His body convulsed and he felt the pulse of his seed filling her.



   When she felt his warmth flood her, she was still in bliss. She fell against his heaving chest, his hand tangling in her hair, his breath rasping against her damp temple. She heard his whisper in her ear.


   “Nice to meet you little witch.” when she stared back at his eyes, she found out that Lukas is controlled by his wolf.


   "It's warm inside you, little witch. Now do you accept me fully? Because I would make sure pleasure explodes deep inside this tight, warm c*nt."

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