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Lukas and Victoria sat at the long trestle where the kitchen skivvies ate their meals. The servants cleared the low vault and brought in more light, candles of every length and girth in clay holders. They watched from the doorways at either end, a shabby crowd grinning and bobbing as though it was a holy day or a high day, and they were the mummers to entertain them.

Ester hove into view and crested through the skivvies like a barge through water. She brought fresh bread, honey in a bowl, golden butter, and silver knives.

“This is the place to eat,” Lukas said. He kept his eyes on Victoria. She didn’t seem to mind.

“Bread hot from the oven.” It steamed when he tore it open. Heaven must smell like fresh bread.

“I knew I missed you for a reason, Ester.” he called the words over his shoulder. He knew the lady cook is kind and polite. He hadn’t missed her. He hadn’t spared her but one thought for every hundred times he dreamed of her pies. In fact he’d struggled to remember her name when

he saw her in the doorway.

But something about the girl made him want to be the kind of man who would remember. The first bite woke his hunger and he tore at the loaf as though it were a haunch of venison.

Victoria paused to watch, her knife suspended above the honey bowl, her lips twitching with a smile.

“Mmmfflg.” Lukas chewed and swallowed.

“What? Do I look attractive while eating?” he demanded.

“She’s probably wondering if you’ll go under the table when the bread’s gone and wrestle the dogs for bones.” Lukas’ beta had come up behind him unnoticed.

“Damn but you’d make a good footpad, Beta.” he swung round to find his beta standing over him, his armour gleaming.

“A man in plate-mail should have the decency to clank.”

“I clanked plenty, my king,” The beta said, showing Lukas an annoying smile.

“You had your mind on more pressing matters maybe?” The beta bowed toward Victoria. “My lady. I haven’t had the honour? I'm beta Krid.” He extended a hand to her.

“I am no lady, I am Victoria,” His beta raised a brow at that as he took her hand and bowed again, much more deeply, lifting her fingers to his lips. Krid had thick lips, sensuous. He’d washed his face and his hair gleamed as much as his armour, coal-black and curled. He cleaned up well, and for the smallest moment Lukas hated him without reservation.

“Take a seat,” Lukas said. “I’m sure the excellent Ester can find more bread.” The beta let go of her hand. Too slowly for Lukas liking. “Sadly, my king, duty rather than hunger brings me to the kitchens. I thought I might find you here. I heard you need to talked to me last night and asked Simone to summoned me to the throne-room. And because I slept early, maybe we can talk about that matters today. Yet, there must be a hundred squires hunting the halls for you. But I'm glad I did because I had the chance to meet you, Victoria. Now would you join us?” Lukas' beta favoured Victoria with an appreciative stare.

“And yeah, I almost forgot... I met a fellow named Edward he's also searching for you Victoria.” Something tight laced those last words. The beta didn’t like Edward. And he’d met the man.

Lukas took the bread with him. It was too good to leave. Then three of them found their way back above ground.

The Tall Castle appeared to have woken up during his trip to the kitchens. Squires and maids ran this way and that. Plumed guards passed by in twos and fives, bound for their duties. They skirted a lord in his furs and gold chain, girded by flunkies, leaving him with his astonishment, his bowing, and his “Good morning beta, and good morning my king!”

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