Chapter 8

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There’s something haunting about a body touched by magic. Most people can first notice the smell: not the smell of rotting flesh but the cloying sweetness in their noses and a sharp taste on their tongues.

Rare individuals like witches have a distinct smell that any werewolf can scent. Yet this assassin is a bit different.

He can’t smell the sweetness but the natural smell of water drops was there. How come she doesn’t smell magic? She smelled pure.

He wasn’t expecting that kind of smell from her. The pureness that made his wolf snarled from within.

His wolf move forward urging Lukas to put his nose close to her neck but he fought himself. It wasn’t his job to sniff around and damn his wolf for making him frustrated.

If he could only kill this witch—

“Don’t you dare Lukas,” my eyes narrowed as I heard Edward whispered beside me.

“You might be my king, but harming one member of my family won’t stop me from smacking your head,” Edward muttered not even looking at me and that made me grin.

“Why would I harm your family Edward?”

“I’ve known her since she was just a child. She hates our kind and her hate for us made her strong. She might have the courage to talk back but deep down, she’s pure. We killed her family Lukas and we should understand why she despises our presence.” His eyes moved towards the witch and Lukas can see her figure walking while observing the nature.

“I can’t smell the witch’s magic on her Edward. And do you know what I hate most? It’s the idea that someone is lying and making me a fool.” Lukas’s wolf growled in agreement and he scented the submission on Edward’s form.

“Victoria was a child when she lost her family so she wasn’t able to practiced magic my king.”

“Then I hope you are stating the truth.” Lukas stared at Victoria’s back as she walked her way in the forest. Her steps are confident and wide, with a gentle sway of her hips that he’s sure she doesn’t even notice.

Beneath the ice-cold exterior, there’s a feminine side she crashed and burned before it was able to blossom.

But it’s not completely dead. Not even close.

Lukas’s lips twitch at the prospect of thrusting himself into her and exploiting those hidden parts of her. He wanted to know if her skin was cold or warm to touch.

His gaze follows her all the way to the end of the forest and he can see that she is making sure that there won’t be any danger.

While Lukas’s mind warned him that he hates witches.

But she’ll be an exception for his rule, he pointed out.

Lukas’s hides his smile knowing that she thinks she can go to war with him, but what she doesn’t know is that the war already started a long time ago. Her cards were already dealt, and all she can do is play her role as previously planned.

It would be a shame to see her eyes shed tears, but what’s victory without sacrifices, huh?

Still…he rubs his thumb against his forefinger and imagined the feel of her skin against his. He imagined her with a soft skin, like untarnished silk, and knowing that she’s a trained warrior excites him to the core.

It could be his depraved nature or the simple fact that he always liked breaking things ruining them, and then watching them shatter in the wake of their destruction.

He likes how people become raw in the state of destruction as they would show their truest, most hidden tendencies.

She shouldn’t expect that after insulting him she can get away without being punished by him, would she?

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