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Victoria stared at her reflection. She wore the different clothes from the previous night. Her pussy ached, along with her nipples from Lukas’s lips. The way he’d spoken to her every time he made love to her, it intrigued her. As if he's’ threatening her that her life would be difficult if she didn’t agree to accept him.

She knew he was showing the opposite actions, far from her expectations, of what he would do if he finds out she is his mate but she's still in the process of convincing herself.

He would be able to do anything he wants in a heartbeat. But would he do it? From the look in his eyes, she truly believed he was capable of showing her that she would craved him forever.

Yet, Why am I not pissed because of his warning?

Because you like him. You like what he does to your body, and you love spending time with him.

She let out a breath before leaving the comfort of his bedroom. He stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

He wore his usual clothes,

a king's attire that made

her pussy clenched in desire.


“We’ll get our breakfast first my mate, and please don't make me smell your arousal.” he said. She blushed and nodded her head as he didn’t ask her if that was what she wanted.

He grabbed her coat and helped her into it. She felt his hands on her shoulders. His touch lingered. She closed her eyes enjoying his touch before he pulled away.

Lukas took her hand leading her outside. She followed him without question. He opened the door for her not giving a chance to let the servant do it for us.

“I’m not a child.”

“I know. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

He kissed her lips then touched her hand. She could easily become addicted to him if she wasn’t addicted already. He started to walked while making sure he's guiding her.

Lukas took her hand with care. She didn’t like being held like this in the past, but right now? She can't stop herself from blushing. The servants were always too busy, and she find herself giggling watching them running away seeing their king walking with me.

“What type of king are you Lukas?” she asked.

“Perhaps, a little scary.”

“Cool, a little scary made them run like they are being chased by demons.” Lukas chuckled,

"Then maybe you can change this bad wolf Victoria."

He stared at her with eyes filled with unanamed emotion.

“How’s your pussy?” he asked suddenly.

Victoria turned to him in shock.

“What?” Was he seriously asking about her pussy?

“You heard me.” he said before sparing a glance on her. “Your blush is sexy, making me want to bend you right now.” He kissed her cheek.

“What have you done with Lukas?”

“This is who I am, and, Victoria, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

“I’m fine, and all my parts are fine.” The guard pushed the door open for them, earning a growl from their brooding alpha king. She walked inside leaving him sulking like a kid.

“I wanted to open the door for you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of opening and closing my own door and dammit Lukas! Your servant is treating you with appropriate respect, yet you growled at them like a little kid.” Lukas pressed her against the wall.

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