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Victoria's POV

No rage showed on my face. No blood

rushed to my smooth cheeks. I was an assassin and I conducted myself accordingly—back erect, body poised, expression composed. My fingers did not tremble, though every muscle in my body longed to crush the king's face beside me.

Concern crosses my face. It seems strange for me because I am more accustomed with staring at Lukas's cold determination or red anger from his eyes, but right now it's different.

“We are about to arrive at the capital of the north,” Edward says, breaking the silent tension with his words so low and measured.

“Just lead the way and make sure to protect yourselves from any danger that might come.”

Everyone ducks their chins in agreement.

“Good. I think it would be better if Victoria will join me in this hunt. On the other hand, the others can group into two as we hunt in separate ways.”

I narrowed my eyes towards the king.

'How can he asked for that?'

He planned to make me suffer by asking me to serve him at every seconds of my life, in this stupid hunt?


It would be hell!

“I think it's better if I hunt with my master,” I reply. Somehow, my voice doesn’t tremble. The words come out evenly, full of force. I have to look strong, even if I don’t feel it right now. It’s a lie, but a good lie.

“I probably have more information than she can ever give you my king so I volunteer myself to join you," Edward answered not even looking at me and that's painful for me.

I wanted to joined him but he would rather chose his king.

Maybe he's afraid that I might harm Lukas.

“Probably, but I want her.” Lukas says with a thoughtful bob of his head.

My eyes glares at him but he won't spare me a glance as if he's aware about my disagreement.

My eyes narrows on the ground. Not searching, but focusing. A plan spirals out in front of me. The road ahead won’t be easy. A child would know that.

So maybe, joining him in his hunt is not a bad idea at all. I'll have more chances to kill him and that's perfect!

“Do you agree Victoria? Or maybe you have something in mind that you wanted to say and share?” he adds, almost snarling at his last words. And as if I could be angry with him for doing what he likes.

His a king afterall.

"I agree my king." I bowed my head to show him my submission but deep inside I am fuming with hatred.

“Ears and eyes open, yeah?”

“Ears and eyes open,” Everyone and I responded in unison, surprising each other.

Lukas steps away from us, backing out of the forest. The sun flashes in his hair while he nodded towards us.

I can see that he was careful not to look unpresentable so he clean himself, washing away the sweat and dirt from our long travel yesterday, replacing his old clothes with a fresh one.

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