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My pace halts, allowing me a few more moments to collect myself as the cool shadows are calming and inviting.

I press my back against the huge rock, letting the cold seep through me.

Hunting should be silent. Predators had to stalk, to move silently, to find their prey and strikes before the prey knew they were there.

And that happened to me.

I am a prey that he devoured a while ago and I am stupid for letting him.

The way he gripped my ass and claimed my lips once again was fucking crazy. I can't help but to fucking let my instinct acts on its own, wrapping my arms around his neck,


And why did I feel alive from his touch? Like he’d finally awakened a part of me that had been dormant all of my life. 

 And that was not supposed to happen.

The two of them together.

I felt possessive, desperate, and needy. So, fucking needy.


I jerked to halt when I heard his voice.

Am I hallucinating?

When I roamed my eyes, I found him in front of me, with his hands clenching and releasing at his sides while his eyes wild and nostrils flaring.


He sucked in a breath at the sound of my voice. It changed him. I watched the shift come over him, like a door slamming shut. One moment, he was bristling with emotion. The next, he was cool as ice, his surface as smooth as glass.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice dangerously even.

“Finding you.” 


Am I lost?

“I’m not fit company for you right now Lukas.”

“I can deal with it.”

He was too still, as if he were afraid to move, afraid that I might run again. 

“You should go. It’s not safe for you here,” I said with cold voice.

My pulse leaped. Awareness sizzled across my senses. I felt the heat of him from just a close distance. His need. The demand. I was suddenly feeling like I'm melting.

“I can kill you right now Lukas.” I took a deep breath for courage. “Just who do you think you are?”

His head went back. “I am your king.”

“You are not my king.”

“I’m fine with that,” he snapped. Which told me he wasn’t.

I made my way to him, feeling the burn of his gaze as it tracked me. 

“Of course, you will be. But I just hate it when you do this to me Lukas.”

“I need to do it Victoria.”

I shook my head. “And how about your mate? You want me to let you toy me and then what? What can I get from you my king? A luxurious bedroom? Jewelries? I don't need them.”

But if you give me your head and let me kill you then I might consider letting you have a taste.

“Shut up,” he shouted

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