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Pleasure tore through her body, and Victoria opened her legs wide for it to continue. The dream she’d been having was so vivid and yet unclear at the same time. The tongue stroking through the folds of her pussy was clear. Whose tongue it was she did not know. The sensation from the experienced licks meant she did not care who it belonged to so long as they did not stop what they were doing.


 Opening her eyes, she became alert to the fact she was no longer dreaming, but the pleasure was continuing. Looking down she saw Lukas’s head moving between her thighs. His tongue expertly licked her clit. Moaning, she gripped the sheet underneath her wishing there was something for her to hold on to.


 Grab his hair.


 The urge to smash her clit against his face was strong. All she wanted to do was take the pleasure he was giving to her. Releasing the sheet, she reached down grabbing chunks of his hair as she thrust her hips against his face. He growled against her tender flesh, and she cried out in response.


 “Please,” she said, begging him not really knowing what she was begging him for.


 Lukas tugged on her hands, and she let go of his hair. He stood up, wiping her cream from his face. She’d not found orgasm, and now her body was on fire for what he could give her.


 “Good morning, are you feeling better now?” he asked.

 She frowned at him not knowing what he was talking about. Then she remembered herself submitting to him and her body was in demand of him.


 “I’m fine.”


 “Good, come here.” He stood at the end of the bed leaving her no choice other than to crawl to him.


 His hand sank into her hair using his grip to pull her closer. He was rough, and she fucking loved the feel of him taking control.


 Lukas’s lips were on hers, and without him demanding she opened to receive him. Their tongues collided together, stroking and plunging deep. The heat spilled out of her pussy soaking the tops of her thighs.


 “So, fucking responsive,” he said, letting her lips go. His teeth nipped down to her neck then along her collarbone.


 “Do you want to be fucked, don’t you, my little mate? I will show you how to satisfy your craving. But would you let me?” he asked.

 She wasn’t a toy, but the words coming from his lips were driving her insane. All she wished to do was please him.

 Down his lips went nipping at her breasts. She pushed her chest out wanting his lips. Victoria didn’t care what he thought about her. The heat was building inside her so her skin felt sensitive to the touch.

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