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"Why did you brought me here?" she said looking at the golden gigantic door in front of them, this door is new to her.


“Open it, Krid is waiting for us.” He lied too easily. And when she opened the door, she was amazed at what she saw inside, it's a larger room decorated in dark lilac and gold colors.


She even found a painting of hers hanged on the walls and the bed is even larger.


"Do you like it? This room is prepared for us. And we will sleep in the same room for the rest of our lives Victoria."

She was speechless and she just nodded but suddenly she was pressed closer against him. Her soft curves called to him to touch and to do other, more sinful, things with her body.


He cupped her cheek then bent down brushing her lips with his. She tasted like vanilla, something precious and beautiful.


“I could become addicted to your kisses. And I’ll make sure you would feel the same.”

  Stroking her lips with his tongue Lukas waited for her to open up. She gasped as he caressed her stiff nipple. He was hard as rock.


“I can’t think when you do that,” she said, breaking the kiss.


“Come on. I’ve got something to show you more,” he said.

  Taking her hand, Lukas helped her onto his back.


  “Are you going to give me any clues on what you want to show me again?” she asked.

He shook his head. “No, you’ll know it when you see it.”


He took off into the forest. The night air was filled with noises of insects and birds rustling. He inhaled the scent of the forest loving the smell of the earth and sky. The combination was addictive. Victoria clung to his body. The urge to turn was too strong and Lukas can't control himself.


“You are warm Lukas,” she said. Her fingers caressed the scars down his arm. He groaned but didn’t stop until he was at the lake.


Putting her down on the ground, Lukas pulled her close.


“You brought me to the lake?” she asked.


“I thought you’d like to swim with me,” he said.

Nibbling on her lip she stared at him. “How deep is it?” she asked.


  He stepped back from her, removed his clothes, and jumped into the water. During the summer he found this lake, it's a hidden sanctuary that helped him cool down. Breaking the surface, he smiled at her. “Come on. I won’t let you down,” he said.


She slowly pulled her clothes from her body. Victoria kept the fabric that covers her private parts as she made her way to the water.


“Be careful—” he said. Lukas didn’t get to finish his warning before she disappeared in the water. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her up. The lake was deep, but his senses meant he was able to sense danger.

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