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 “You…uh, what are you saying? We should talk about some important things here Lukas.”


 “Not yet,” he growled. “My hunger for you is too great that I can't stop myself Victoria.”


 “Lukas,” she said almost desperately as his head dipped down, as she felt the brush of his lips and the alarming edge of his teeth stroke over the base of her neck where her pulse bounded suddenly like a desperate thing. 


 He sucked his mark and it gives her pleasure.


 As he lingered over it, fear and desire pumped her heart equally. A delicious combination, that edge of danger. But only if she knew there truly wasn’t any.


 “Lukas,” she said more sharply. He lifted his head, his nostrils flaring, his eyes dilating as he breathed in her fear tanged arousal. 


 “Can you stop for a while? Can we talk first?”

 He shook his head as if coming out of a daze. His eyes still looked cold, inhuman, but his voice, his voice was the Lukas she knew and loved, warm with reassurance…and a bit of amusement.


 “No, Victoria. I want to fuck you, and I don’t have the mood to talk.”

 He leaned in and Victoria's heart whispered words that she can’t understand.


 But she can't submit to him like this.



 “Yield to me,” he demanded.


 “Not if your life depended on it,” she snarled and tried to bite him. He levered his upper torso away from her, an odd smile on his lips.


 “But it does,” he said, his rough deep voice gentling. “My life does depend upon it. Upon you Victoria.”


 Victoria shut her eyes but could not shut out his words, the caress of his voice. Anger still stirred within her but with less steam, cooled by his tender words.


 “I live for you. I dream of you. I count the days until I can have you fully. Do not deny me now, my lady, my Queen, my love. Victoria. Don't deny me the right to pleasure you.” He breathed her name like a benediction, a vow. 


 “Be mine forever and let me treat you the way you deserve,” he whispered, and the last of her anger melted away with his humble plea.


 She looked into his bold, craggy face. So harsh, so dear. And suddenly realization hits her,


 she did not want to see this big man humbled and begging. She can't make him grovel in the dirt. She wants to see him smile and satisfied.





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