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Silently, Lukas and Victoria walked hand in hand to their room. He had no idea what she was thinking, wasn’t even certain what was tumbling around in his own brain. He hadn’t thought beyond the threat of enemies. Hadn’t really considered how his life would change, now that he had a mate. He glanced her way, caught her watching him, and almost laughed.

He still couldn’t believe she was his. His and safe. Finally.

Instead, she smiled and so did he, feeling unexplainably shy for some reason. They’d made love most of the night last night, exploring each other with the utmost abandon, almost as if it might be the only chance they’d ever have for that amazing intimacy. 

In the back of his mind he’d worried about the killer somehow taking Victoria away, and losing her, he's afraid that their chance at love would end before anything had really begun.

Now, though?

Now they were beginning, the two of them on the threshold of an entirely new life.

Victoria had survived a lifetime of pain with her spirit intact.

He was amazed the pain she’d suffered hadn’t broken her. Instead, she was so powerful, so strong, he was awed by her strength. Without even thinking it through, he stopped in the middle of the dark wood and held both her hands in his.

“You are an amazing woman, among other female werewolves. You are better than me, stronger than me … definitely a lot prettier than me.” He kissed her quickly when she laughed. 

“But no one will ever love you more than me. I promise that you just give me a chance I can make you fall in love then I will love you until the day we die, and if there is a life beyond, I will love you into that one. You make me a better man, and I hope like hell I’m a good mate to you. We will have amazing sons or daughters, you and I. And a long life together, the two of us. I promise you a lifetime of love, and I will always honor you.”

Her trembling hands tightened their grasp on his, and he realized her entire body shook. Her eyes sparkled with emotion—tears ready to spill—and she bit her lips as if searching for control. When she spoke, her voice was raspy with those unshed tears. 

“I have never truly known love, and yet I recognized it immediately the first time I saw you. I think my wolf knew her mate long before the human side understood, but I promise I will always love you, that I will stand by your side as you lead this kingdom, and I will forever be your lover, your helpmate, your confidante. And if we are blessed with children and our sons are anything like their father, I will be forever grateful. There is no finer man.”

Lukas pulled her into his arms and kissed her. And then, as if they hadn’t just opened their hearts and made vows more important than anything they might share before the pack, they took the final steps to the door of their room and went inside.

He closed the door and then just stood there and watched her. With her long, glossy black hair falling almost to her waist, her head turned a bit to one side so that he saw her in profile, she looked like some ethereal goddess come to bless his home.

But wasn’t that exactly what she’d done? He’d given up hope of finding a mate, and yet the woman who was now his was more than anything he’d imagined.

Victoria had stopped in the main room, her hands clasped in front of her, When she turned to face him, her smile split her face. “Why does it feel new tonight? Almost as if I’ve never been here before.”

He stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Maybe because it is.”

He swept her into his arms, holding her close against his chest. Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m not afraid. Not anymore. Maybe it's the reason why it feels new.”

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