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Victoria tensed up, watching as the woman named Luna stopped for a second taking in the scene.

Touching her neck, Victoria glanced toward Lukas, and he was watching her. She saw the emotion in his eyes that he wanted to protect her.

“Well, well, well, isn’t this interesting? The wolf is now mated with a witch, and she’s whoring herself out to take the queen's position. Yet, I'm sure she's weak to begin with.” Luna said, talking to the men behind her.

One servant flinched away, but Victoria wasn’t afraid. What she hated the most was the fact that this woman was going to try to bully her, and she wasn’t even dressed for it.

“Enough, Luna! My mate is for my wolf and I to decide,” Lukas said.

Luna wasn’t listening. She was too busy looking at them. Victoria saw her hatred and her greed. The wolf before her wanted power, and she sought it by any means possible.

“Well, little witch, you are going to climb out and give these boys a show? They’ll take turns, showing what a little whore you are, and where you need to be.”

“Back off,” Victoria said. Her anger was starting to grow.

“What about you, witch? You need to learn your place. It’s not with Lukas, and your fat ass needs to realize he has to have a real woman.”

“That is my mate,” Lukas said, rushing toward Victoria. At the same time Krid came with him while glaring at Luna.

“You talk to my mate like that, and see where it gets you,” Lukas said. “Anyone touches Victoria, and I’ll fight you to the fucking death.”

“So, you would rather mate with this weak bitch?” Luna asked.

Victoria looked toward the edge of the creek, to see Luna’s followers already walking away. They know not to mess with Lukas. They were mated, and no one could do anything about that, and they were only following orders.

“You can’t have her as your mate,” Luna said, pointing at Victoria.

“She’s nothing but an orphaned witch. Even her real parents died in misfortune which they deserved it and it makes me wonder how she's still alive. A weak witch like her should bow down in front of a wolf like me because every weak witches should be killed or slaughtered.”

With each word she spewed of hatred, Victoria’s anger grew. She was alone in the world. No one is with her. All of her doubts, her weaknesses, everything that she had feared in her whole life came through.


Krid’s voice made no appeal.

Victoria shot her hands up to the sky, gathering all her strength and flipping around until her feet landed on the ground, where she stood a few meters away from her opponent.

Now, she's  going to fight not with her physical strength but through her witch abilities.

Luna insulted Victoria's clan, and Victoria will make sure that Luna would have what she deserved—pain.

Luna would regret insulting her and her family.

“You want to do this?” Victoria asked, glaring at Luna. The woman didn’t know when to back down, and she had listened to the nasty, vile spew coming from her for the last time.

“You’re nothing, witch and I deserve to be the queen not you.”

Smiling, she clapped her hands together once and placed them palm upwards. “You know, no witch has ever defeated a wolf. Let’s see if you can change the course of history.”

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