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"Father can you tell me a story." Her father looked at her with a smile.

"Of course I would."

"So once upon a time in the kingdom of far-far away, when time was acoustic and people had values of humanity, everything was possible. In such whim people believed in values and culture and all living beings lived in love and harmony." Her father began to narrate.

"All living things had feelings which they could express through a common language spoken among them.What plant,what animal and what all others could express their feelings and emotions. Like such, in the Kingdom there laid a white nightingale, so swift and so sharp that it could vanish in thin air and every time it sang its rhythm it mesmerized its audience with the harmony flowing through its throat." She listened while smiling and humming as her mother prepared the table.

"The bird with his extraordinary talent of singing was famous all over, every time the bird sang."

"It would simply ignite enthusiasm

to orchestrate the environment in the most profound way.

Drawing attention unconditionally. His music was full with rhythm of love and peace that spread with in the serene environment making it the bliss of satisfaction. The power of his singing was so deep that, he could even revive a dead person; and nobody could resist his music. The bird was so unique and different that he stood different among his breed in every possible way. God had created him different to aspire others in spreading the message of love and peace." Her mother caress Victoria's head before leaning between her child and her husband.

“I'm sure our little baby here would do the same, she will spread love and peace.” Her mother murmured.

"I hope she would, but moving on the bird carried the glory of his gift, he rejoiced the color of nature imprinting it in the fine tune of his music. Like such, one fine morning he was singing his song within the serene environment and he saw a beautiful white flower which was about to blossom. The flower was competing against its struggling to outcome its womb. Seeing the flower in pain, the bird felt pity and he thought life was more than pain that was felt, thus, he sang the prospect of colors which enchanted life to the ultimate level of defining the magic of survival. And the flower blossom with a shining cheers."

“Its the white nightingale that sacrificed its life for Love, how come you're telling that story to your little girl, brother? It's an ugly story.” her uncle said with his teasing voice.

"There's nothing wrong Mindas, the story is great." Her father amended

Victoria had stopped even pretending to eat. She switched her gaze back and forth between the men.

They seem to engaged in a conflict with multiple layers that she was powerless to influence but when her uncle broke a smile she felt her father did the same.

"Yes uncle and please don't ruin it!" She pouted and her uncle shook his head,

"Okay I won't."

Feeling satisfied, Victoria turned her head to looked at her father with her pleading eyes.

"Father please continue the story."

"Okay princess, and I know you loved this story Mindas, our childhood memory won't lie—"

Her uncle was bare-headed, pale hair glinting in the candlelight. On the surface he was relaxed and at ease, maybe even a little bored, but below that surface she knew he was just as focused as the older man.

"Alright! You win. Now please continue." She laughed when her uncle pouted his lips.

"The bird felt good for his positive admiration of putting end to misery but on the other hand the bird started developing feelings and started to grant an audience to the flower on regular basis. Thereafter, the flower blossom more and more chanted by the musical rhythm and opened up to see and feel the world spreading a beautiful smell and passion of life. The music further helped her to groom her passion of life where she stood as a symbol of beauty."

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