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“Lukas!” The monster called out as Lukas close the front door and begin his search.

But in the back of his mind he knows exactly where to find that man, in the basement where the man keeps his interrogation chair and tools.

The basement door is unlocked. And cracked.

Lukas place his full palm against it and push. It opens without making a sound and he waste no time and descend the concrete steps. A single light glows in the distance, casting faint swaths of light against the steps as he takes them one at a time.

The familiar sound of a woman whimpering slowly fills Lukas' ears. But this is another kind of whimper. Not one of pleasure inflicted by sexual pain, but of fear and pain of another kind.

Lukas step off the last step to find his father standing there in all of his dark and sinister glory.

Lukas roamed his eyes and found out that there is blood on the furniture and smeared across the wall, a beautiful crimson color that only blood can be, stark against the bright white sheetrock even in the darkness of the room. This wasn’t done by a mere human.

And where did the blood come from?

A woman in nearly-naked body is lying on her back against the floor in a thick, dark pool of the crimson stickiness was dispatched by a knife. A very sharp one.

Another whimper is heard and Lukas found another woman fully naked, strapped to an interrogation chair—with a gag in her mouth.

Blood is still wet in her long, disheveled hair, staining the blonde color just above her hairline, indicative of being hit over the head with something.

Tears stream from her wide and frightened eyes, running streaks of blood down her reddened cheeks. Lukas knew now that she is in deep pain.

The monster smiles at Lukas across the space between them, so cheerful, yet so darkly. His father’s knife hangs from his hand down against his thigh covered by the fabric of his black suit.

He towers over the frightened woman. But Lukas don’t remember this woman.

She’s not one of the witches he caught when he was hunting.

“Why are you doing this, Sir?” Lukas walk closer, slowly. “Why did you bring her here? Who is she? I don’t smell witch blood on her.” Lukas and his men are not cold-blooded murderers—of innocent girls, anyway.

"Don't let her deceived you my son, she smells different but her blood would give you the truth."

"But she looks innocent!" Lukas stepped forward in frustration but his father grinned.

Lukas never done something like this to any woman who wasn’t willing—unless she was a target—a witch.

His father has taken this to a whole new level and Lukas don’t like it.

His father clicks his tongue and puts the blade to the woman’s throat.

“Not too close, Lukas,” he warns Lukas, shaking the index finger of his free hand side to side.

“She’s the one with the information. She’s the one I want to talk to. Someone who can give me what I truly desire.”

This isn’t about his cravings, Lukas realize now. This is about something so much more.

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