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Hot breath singed the back of the woman’s neck. 

 She had learned to separate her mind from her body. It was the only way to survive. But still, his breath scream terror, no matter how far away she was into her mind, it chases her.

 She had stopped fighting back. She had stopped begging him to leave her alone.

 It was useless. He seemed to like it when she resisted.

 She was used to the pain. Tonight, was bad though. Two other men joined the game.

 The woman winced and cried out when the monster breached her. She hated herself for screaming. Each time she promised herself she wouldn’t scream, and then she did.

 Next time, she said to herself. 

 Next time she won’t scream.

 The man she hated the most grunted as he forced his way into her body. As much as she hated being penetrated, it was better than having it stuffed inside her mouth. She threw up either way, but at least with penetration she could hold off until they left.

 Then she would heave and empty her stomach.

 “Yeah, give it to her good,” The second man said.

 The two men wore black masks, so she had no idea what they looked like. Just as well. She didn’t want to see their faces, knowing that they are all monster, she could think of them as inhuman. Pure evil.

 “You like that, don’t you, my queen?” The monster said, pumping into her.

 “You like being like this, right?”

 She said nothing. The first couple of times she had screamed, “No. I don’t! Stop this! I hate this!” And she’d paid for it with a beating as well as a fucking.

 “Come on, my queen. Tell me you like it.”

 Still, she remained silent except for a few wails and sniffs.

 Until a cool metal blade touched her neck.

 “You say you like it,” the second man said. 

 “Say you like him doing this to you, or I’ll slit your pretty little throat.”

 "I like it."

 She’d said the words. Like a goddamned little pussy, she’d said the words to stay alive.

 Alive in the hell that had become her life.

 Why? Why had she bothered to stay alive?

 Cold desperation paralyzed her.

 After a few thrust his done.

 He moved away, feeling disgusted at her and she can't stop herself from laughing, insulting him in the process.

 But suddenly a boy appeared throwing little punches towards his own father.

 "Stop hurting her! Stop hurting my mother!"

 “Son of a bitch!” The monster bellowed, smoke billowing from his nostrils, and lashed out.

 The vicious slap caught the boy on the side of the head, making his little body stagger back. Before the woman could say anything to stop them, the two men were on him, slapping and kicking… pulling his long hair filled with dirt.

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