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“What the fuck is going on here?” Lukas demanded, turning in an instant and using his bigger body to conceal the slender form of Victoria from their unwanted guests. 


 Her body is his, no one could stare at her but him.


 His expression grew grimmer as he recognized the young man and his companion.


 Heath was Krid’s cousin on his mother’s side, a couple of times removed but still family, and not yet eighteen, which meant Lukas was responsible for the lad. His gaze flicked to the woman at Heath’s side, one of the Eastern Elder daughters. It also meant he was responsible for stopping the utter fuckup Heath was about to make of his life.



 But why him? He’s in the middle of something important.




 “Same thing as you going by the looks of it, Lukas. So, let's enjoy ourselves,” the youth sniggered, obviously full of drink and bravado as he tried to sneak a glance at the woman behind Lukas.


 But the woman in Heath’s arm with her dress almost split to her waist, giggled and pressed the breasts almost falling out of the thing into Heath’s arm. 


 “Love really is in the air tonight, Heathy-baby. Let’s leave these two to it and find somewhere more… private. You know what I mean.”


 “That’s Your majesty to you,” Lukas snarled, knowing he was being an asshole and not caring. Heath is his beta's family, but not that closely related. 



 “And you’re not going anywhere, especially somewhere more private.”

 Lukas switched his attention to the woman. 


 “Are you aware that he’s under the age of majority?” Lukas asked, his voice hard and stern. “So, you tempting him off somewhere like this is actually a criminal offense. His family won't like this woman.”


 “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’m eighteen next week! And three minutes left for the full moon. My wolf wants to enjoy! Why am I not allowed to fuck when you and my cousin can?” The lad argued as Lukas hustled them both out the door. When he reached it, he looked over his shoulder at Victoria. She stood in the shadows, gown in place and a flush on her cheeks. Her hair was mussed, her lips bruised from his kisses, and he felt a sense of pride and triumph that he’d been the one to put that sultry look on her face. 


 “Wait for me Victoria, I would be back.” he mouthed, before shoving the two miscreants out of the room.


 “Underage? Really? I had no idea. I promise! He came to me first and I thought he's mature.” The woman looked shocked, but he easily saw through her act.

 There was no way either she or her family hadn’t known who Heath was and exactly how old he was. But he knew the type. 


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