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“I heard that you're ready to let me own you.” Head dipped, he nibbled on the smooth column of her exposed throat.

     She sighed as he explored the skin, he could tell by her body language that she desired him.


    He spun her around and now he's above her as he claimed her lips. She met him for passion, her tongue restless and eager to explore his mouth.


    Her arms wound around his neck, drawing him close.

     The skin-to-skin contact proved electric. His cock, trapped between their slick bodies, throbbed against her lower belly. The tips of her breasts poked his chest.


    So many sensations, each of them fueling his desire. He grabbed her arms and raised them above her head. She didn’t seem to mind this mastery of her. On the contrary, she regarded him through eyes at half-mast, lips swollen and parted on a breathless,

    “Yes. Touch me.”


     Oh, he’d touch all right. He left the sweetness of her lips for another goal,

     one interrupted earlier. His lips blazed a trail to her breast, the firm plumpness of them inciting nibbles. The nipple, so erect, begged for a suck. How could he disappoint.


    He latched on to the peak, tugging it with his mouth, enjoying the sensation of it and, even more, the cries she emitted as he teased the hard nub.


     As he toyed with her luscious breasts, he inserted a hand between her thighs. The slick moisture he found wetting her.

    He sawed a finger back and forth, feeling the quiver of her sex. His own cock hardened in response.

    Impatience rode him hard. He so wanted to take his time, to taste her sweet ambrosia, but a need to sink into her demanded satisfaction.


    The wolf wasn’t one to give in to demands, and with her, selfishness was not an option. Forget his need. She came first.

    And he meant that quite literally.

     He dropped to his knees, an unusual position for him. For once, he was the supplicant. Eye level with her sex, he could see the honey and his own seeds on her pink lips.

    “Put your leg over my shoulder.”

    “With pleasure,” she practically purred. At least in this she didn’t argue.

     Her thigh rested on him, with the added benefit of exposing her more fully to him. Perfect.

    He took a moment to savor her. Inching close, he could smell her arousal.


    Taste it. Now.

    A flick of his tongue and he groaned. Her flavor exploded in his mouth, and he hungrily went back for more. He lashed her sex with his tongue, dipping between her nether lips and feeling the pulse of her excitement. Her flesh swelled as her pleasure mounted, but he wanted her more than just aroused. He wanted her to come.


    His tongue located the swollen nub of her clit, and as he toyed with it he inserted a finger into her tight channel.

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