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Alone in the room, Victoria poured herself a cup of tea, trying to keep her hands from shaking. How had he found her? He’d probably gotten the information from the servants or from someone else.

She felt alarmed to find this man here, having broken into their room… How long had he been sitting inside watching her sleep? Did Lukas see him? Had he gone through her things?

She poured another cup of tea for the man. Cups and saucers in hand, she walked back towards him. He had his legs crossed, one arm sprawled across the back of the sofa, and seemed to have made himself quite at home.

She said nothing as she gave him the cup and then took a seat in one of the armchairs. The hearth was dark, and the day had been warm enough that Lukas had left one of the bedroom windows open. A briny breeze outside, flowed into the room, rustling the crimson velvet curtains and teasing through her hair. She’d miss that smell, too.

The man took a sip, then peered into his

teacup to look at the amber liquid inside.

“Who can I thank for the impeccable taste of this tea?”

“The servant, of course, but I know you already know that. Because even my location was revealed so easily. That's why I don't doubt the fact that you knew more information about me.”

“Hmm.” The man took another sip while Victoria's hand was itching, wanting to slap his face to break his golden mask.

“Yes, I know that.” The afternoon light caught in his gray eyes, turning them to quicksilver. “What I don’t know is why you and Lukas think it’s a good idea to plan a wedding without me? And why did you hide the fact that you are a witch, Victoria?”

Of course he knew. “It’s none of your business. I've done everything to complete the missions under your command, but I am not an assassin anymore. And I want to operate outside of the Guild, I want out and I am starting to love this new life of mine by not taking part in any missions or Guilds.”


"Oh Victoria," he repeated, as if she somehow didn’t know what her name was. “Victoria, Are you insane? You should know the fact that you still have one mission to complete.”

She clenched her jaw. “I don’t see why I should trust you or any of your words. But one thing is for sure, I already quit the last mission! And because you don't own me, you can't possibly force me to fulfill your demands. Am I right? I don't even know your name! I was once your paid assassin, but right now I am no one's assassin.”

“You forgot something, Victoria.” the man’s gaze burned. “And I’m saying that because I know that you've spent years thinking of ways to put that man in a grave.”

“I’m not playing another one of your mind games.” She set down her tea and rose from her seat. “Get out of our room.”

The man just stared up at her as if she were a sullen child. “Being mated to him is the reason why you can't kill him. You might be excellent, Victoria, but you’re not invincible and clearly you are being irrational.”

She crossed her arms. “Maybe you’re trying to persuade me because you’re worried that if I don't kill him, you can't have the throne.”

The masked man shot to his feet, towering over her. “The reason I’m trying to persuade you, you stupid, ungrateful girl, is because Lukas and his wolf are lethal. If he offered you the glass castle itself, you shouldn’t touch an offer like that! He's a murderer!”

She felt her nostrils flare.

“After all that you’ve done to me, how can you expect me to believe a word that comes out of your mouth?” Her hand had started drifting toward the dagger at her waist. The man's eyes remained on her face, but he was aware—he knew every movement her hands made and didn’t have to look at her to track them.

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