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“Why did you summoned me here? I thought we're having a meeting, but where are the others?”

Edward glanced uneasily around the park. It was very early in the morning and the cool breeze caress their skin. No one else was in sight, but that didn’t mean Edward hadn’t been followed or that some fashionable lordling might not be out riding or hunting some prey. Edward pulled the brim of his hat lower to be on the safe side.

"We should talked without the others Lukas," Krid said and Lukas frowned.

“We can’t wait for him to make the next move.” Edward's breath steamed as he talked.

He sat his mount like a man who’d been bred to the saddle, as indeed he had. Six generations of Edward's family led the hunt in his home county. And it only proves that even though they are werewolves, they are still trained in other areas, just like humans and other clans.

Edward's stable was renowned for the hunters that came out of it. He’d probably sat a horse before he could toddle on leading-strings.

“What do you propose?” Lukas asked with curiosity and anger.

“Kill him before he kills us. There's  a big possibility that he's lurking around the corner and waiting to pounce. That's  why we can wait Lukas. And we can't trust anyone aside the four of us—Wait? Where's Victoria?”
Edward winced and looked around. But Lukas sighed and smiled upon hearing her name.

“I am looking for her last night, but after the event, I can’t find her.”

“Maybe she was just around, and if  only I saw her at the event last night, I would literally invite her to dance.” Lukas growled, and Krid blinked at him with bovine eyes.

"Don't talked about her like that in front of me Krid—"

"Why? I like her Lukas, she's beautiful and mysterious. A man would love to tame such beauty." Lukas balled his fist and gritted his teeth.

No one should tame her but him. No one could have her but only him and everything about her is his.

Without thinking Lukas growled.

"Victoria is my mate and she's mine alone Krid." Lukas heard them gasped and he can't blame them.

"H-how come? Your mate is not a woman right? He's a healer and if Victoria is really your mate you should've felt the bond long ago, especially when you are around her. And your wolf should've smelled her scent." Lukas shook his head, yeah he should. But he failed to do that. She's wiser than he thought, and he thanked the moon goddess for giving him the opportunity to owned her at last.

He was about to leave her alone upon knowing his father's past, but now that he knew who she is, he won't  have a reason to do that.

Victoria was his now.

And she can’t hide or escape from him again.

"She consumed a herb that can masked her scent, and that fabric that she used to cover her eyes, serves a purpose. Because she's afraid that I'll recognized her. She knew that I am looking for her and she's hiding herself right beside me."

'But my heart recognized her and my wolf pushed me to be with her before I can even know who she was.'

Lukas smiled, thinking about the moments when he could make her gasped and make her frustrated.

"So what I heard awhile ago—I thought you're just hallucinating. Damn! Or maybe you found a woman to play with during the full moon."

"I'm not crazy to do that!" Krid was speechless but Edward broke the silence by laughing so loud.

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