chapter 6

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"Don't fight it." A deep, silken male voice echoed around me. The feel of his fingers ghosting over my arms, across my back and tickling my shoulder blades, made me shiver with delight. How did he think that I'd have the will to fight him?

For no reasons I can't.

I turned desperate to catch a glimpse of his face in the low-lit room. I never managed to see it. He was always a mystery to me, always eluding me.

His nails scraped down my arms as he came up behind me, his breath hot against my neck. It turned my skin sticky, adding to the already stifling heat of the room. My stomach tightened, clenching with arousal as his hands glided over my torso.

His fingers raised the hem of my camisole, bunching the material as he explored my bare skin achingly slow pace.

My body arched into him, rubbing my backside against his groin and feeling his desire. He was hard for me, pressed firmly into the crack of my ass. One hand came down to my hips, pulling me back as he ground into me, showing me just what was to come and making moisture pool in my cave. I groaned, titled my head to one side and tried to look over my shoulder at him.

A low rumble reverberated through me. It was liquid purr that I felt in every inch of my body.

I shifted my backside against his length, eliciting a deeper rumble from him, and smiled to myself over the effect I had on him.

The hand on my stomach snaked up to my breast, slipping under the camisole. I closed my eyes as his fingers teased and tortured my right nipple. He ghosted his other hand back up my arm, light enough that sensation followed in the wake of his touch.

He swept his fingers over my shoulder and slipped the strap of my camisole down over it, caressing me as he went.

His mouth was warm and satiny against my skin as he kissed my shoulder. He licked and tastes me, teasing my neck with blunt teeth, and turning the tightness in my belly into flames.

The only sound in my ears was our combined breathing, hit and heavy, panting as we moved against each other.

My heart thundered and I gave myself over its rhythm.

His tongue swept along my earlobe as my wet lips. My brows furrowed and I moaned, rolling my head to one side and bringing my other arm up. I reached over behind me and ran it through his thick hair. It was like velvet beneath my touch and I buried my fingers into it, feeling the softness and losing myself in the sensations flooding me.

He purred again.

I open my eyes and looked down at his hand as he slid it into my waist down to my feminine.

How had I got myself naked?

The thought fled my mind when his hand edged lower in circular motion.

I bit my lip in anticipation of his touch, willing him to move faster before I exploded with need.

He nipped at my ears and I groaned.

My eyes almost shut.

They flew wide when I saw the black fur erupt on his arms.


"You will be mine," he whispered. "You can't escape from me mate."

I shot up in bed, and pressed my hand against my chest. It was sticky with sweat, my camisole top was soaked.

And damn that dream!

Why am I dreaming like that? This was the first time that it wasn't nightmare who confronted my sleep but something I feel disgusted about.

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