chapter 4

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"It is nice to command a witch to kill for my own gain. I didn't expect you are good at this task." His gaze slid towards me and darkened and his voice little more than a snarl as he glared at me.
"Would you not agree?"I fought the urge but my eyes still dropped to my dark boots.

"My kind is way better than yours King Lukas. And remember, you are mated to one of my kind. Now how does it feel to watch your mate escape from your grasp?" his nose flared and his eyes darkened in bloody shade of color, a proof that his wolf is fighting for control over his mortal body.

"I can kill you-"

"Then kill me." I interjected, unable to bear any more of his barbs.

He fell silent, stood there before me, staring right through my red satin fabric.

"Lukas please spare her, she had been serving you and the kingdom for so long. You are not your father Lukas. We stopped from hunting and killing their kind. Let her live, your mate won't be happy if he would know about this matter." Lord Edward muttered in his breathless voice.

"If I don't kill her how can I make sure that she won't harm my kingdom?" his calm and collected tone sent a shiver through me, a warning that I was treading on thin ice.

"She won't do any harm Lukas, because if she is then she should have been a threat from the start."Edward convinced him while eyeing and warning me not to speak a word again.

"I like how you spit fire witch, but whether you like or not you will help me find my mate."
This male was at his most dangerous when he was like this, outwardly unaffected by anything, but inwardly churning with anger, with darkness ruled him and began to show in his eyes as the scarlet gained ground against the pale blue.

It reminds me of fire and ice.

Lukas was made of them a beautiful contradiction. Two elements that shouldn't be able to live together but somehow he made it work, harnessed both to his advantage.

Savage thirst for blood

Ironclad calm

I tipped my chin up and faced my fears head on, because all he could do to me was exactly what was going to happen to her anyway if I can't fulfill my promises.

"I will help you but still, it depends on your mate if he would be willing to show himself."
His handsome face turned somber, lips flattering for a moment, before his expression darkened and eyes narrowed on me.

"I would find him and I will make sure he won't be able to escape from me again." I frowned back at him before I smirk.

"You should be aware that witch loves hiding-"

"But wolves loves chasing," he barked, so loud that it echoed around the room and she tensed, instinctively I step back away from him as his rage poured over me and shone in his scarlet eyes.

"So what is your plan Lukas?" Lord Edward asked breaking the heated tension between us.

"Gather your men including this witch and we will start the search before sunrise." I lowered my eyes and they caught a scar on his chest. It's a large scar which I guessed it was from a weapon lace with silver or wolfs bane.

Then my eyes also caught a chain around his neck. The delicate silver Celtic knot nestled in the valley between his pectorals.
The pendant is an ancient symbol which is familiar to me. It was for protection, designed for a loved one. It is also a symbol which is known by all existing witch in this kingdom.

Lukas lifted his hand, slipped his fingers beneath the pendant and raised it, drawing my eyes up with it. They jumped back to his face when the pendant reached his chin and I searched his eyes, aching for a sign.

"I can see that you are fascinated with this thing, this pendant was given to me by a witch as she uttered a name." he said in a low voice, soft and almost tender as he gazed at the symbol.

"Victoria, that's the name of I perceive it was her daughter's name and I wear this to remind me of the deaths I have witness in that village." My heart shuttered and my hatred deepens from within.

'Mother,' my mind screamed in agony.

That pendant belongs to my mother and he snatched it for his own joy after their ending their victorious mission of killing my family.

His face blackened and he curled his fingers around the pendant as he scowled at me, the red bleeding in his eyes faded, leaving icy cold blue again.

"Death is fair but life is not," he turned away from me and walked towards the open door in the right corner of the room.

I took swift steps towards him, rage is rising and my killing instinct kicks in.

But I was halted by a hand, holding my arms pulling me away from the chance to kill the murderer.

"Please prepare your things, we will travel and search every village for my mate. We won't stop until I have him," he uttered and Lord Edward nodded as he led the king away from my sight.


My entire body tensed when he slammed the door in my face. My knees wobbled but I refused to collapse, forced myself to stand tall.

I had been a fool to hope that I can kill Lukas easily.

But more than that, I can feel the ache crawling inside me.

I pressed my right hand in my chest and closed my eyes, as I focused on calming my rage.
I lifted my chin and let my hand fall away from my chest.

If Lukas will search for me then I should hide my scent. If I need to drink all the poison then I would.
I won't let him find me.

I won't accept a murderer as my mate.

He can rot in hell but I will make sure to fulfill my mission. Tomorrow, I will also start plotting ways to kill him.

He will never know that his murderer is his mate all along.

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