Chapter 9

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‘Mate her!’

Lukas’s beast roared from within. The outburst surprised him. Unlike some situation where his wolf wanted blood from his women now, it’s a bit different. He wanted to mate not only to have sex but to own the witch for good, marking her with his scent.

“I despise you!” she lowered her voice and inched away from him

“You’re crazy! But King or not! You don’t have the right to kiss me!”

“No,” he growled, letting his beast flare in his eyes for a second. “But I might consider taming your smart mouth Victoria.” She licked her lips and grinned but damn her lips for tasting divine.

“Maybe I’ll like to see you’re cold and lifeless body below me right now King!” she said with a hissed, her perfectly arched brows slowly lifted.

“But death is too good for you.” she added and that did it. A warning growl rumbled from the back of his throat and shit, he was losing his grip here and fast.

“I don’t think you get it Victoria. This isn’t the sort of danger you play with, then walk away thinking you’ll be safe.” With his speed he was able to yank her back to him, rolling his hips to make his point. His leathers weren’t that fitted, but more than tight enough for her to feel the hard bar of his cock pressed up close and personal.

“This is the sort of danger that see’s you flat on your back, writhing and moaning while a cock impaled so deep inside you, stretching your walls then it’ll clenched and cum for me. And you know what’s more dangerous? It’s my mark Victoria…a mark that should be on your delectable neck.” He was deliberately crude, hoping to scare her off. He prayed he did because she had to walk out of here before his wolf could cause a fucking riot.

Her lips formed a perfect O and her eyes widened. A breath later, she inhaled and uttered the words that made Lukas's wolf howl in determination. “I’ll rather sign up with death than make you mark me.”

Lukas laughed again, one of his hands on her shoulder, the other moving in a light caress on her butt, which should have tickled but didn’t. “I just bet you need taming witch."

She tightened her grip on him—somehow her hands had landed on his lower back. “Probably not King Lukas?”

He grunted. “It won’t help if you would deny this attraction, I think you’d be able to decide if you try to have a taste and I have a hundred ways to change your mind Victoria.”

Fair enough. Being this close to him, feeling his heat against her, feeling his heartbeat race because he wanted her… her mind told her that seeing him desiring her is the greatest aphrodisiac that screams danger.

“Of course it would be different ways that we would both enjoy,” he said, still in that persuading calm voice, “I don’t accept defeat Victoria.”

I just don't know why he is doing this.

But one thing is for sure I won't give him the satisfaction.

“Mmm,” she said.

Then he brought his hands to caress her cheeks but for uncertain reason he stopped.

And she doesn't understand why something is urging her to commit a sin.


She lowered her hands, sliding them beneath the waistline of his royal clothes and digging her nails lightly into his skin.

He growled something more, but neither of them was listening. He turned his head and tilted it. She expected serious and got playful as he leaned down then nipped at her lower lip. The roughness of his teeth sent tingles to her fingertips, zings past her knees and down to her toes. Potent things, Lukas's teeth.

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