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Victoria's POV

Victoria sneaked towards their room looking for her small satchel that she remembered, it was snatched by Nicholas, promising that he'll take care of it and bring it inside her room.

But it wasn't her room alone! Lukas needs to share it with her!

Very unlucky!


She's been hiding for so long, spying the villagers. Waiting for an opportunity to sneaks in.

She made sure Lukas is also busy talking with the villagers when she came back. It’s a good thing that they are busy having their dinner because right now, it gives her time to looked for the bottle of poison she brought in with her.

She needs it!

Three days had passed and the poison wears off. She needs to take one again to mask her scent.

Finding the satchel above the bed, she opened it and tried to grasped the bottle she prepared but she was shocked to notice that instead of bottle she finds one more bottle identical to the first one.

Damn! How come there were two of them?

I only prepared one!

Don't tell me Lily accidentally add one bottle on my satchel?

But which among these bottles contained what I need?


She opened the lid of the first bottle and   without a second thought Victoria chugged on the bottle filled with herbs, expecting the bitter taste but the taste is different.

She realized she brought the wrong bottle! But she has one more chance, there's still one bottle left and while cursing herself she chugged on the last bottle filled with liquid and her hope, to her  relief the bitter and familiar taste exploaded inside her mouth.

And it spreads inside her making her weak and dizzy.


She's still lucky!

Now all she needs to do is act the way she acted before.

The usual one.

She wanted her plan to work.
Yet she had to wonder how to do it.

Drowing on her thoughts, she almost gasped when suddenly Lukas showed up at their bedroom's door.

She certainly hadn’t expected his sudden appearance at this early hour. He should be with the villagers until now. Damn! And if she was late a mere seconds, he might caught her empty handed.

She didn’t even hear the knock at the door, not that she expected him to do that. Knowing that he's a king.

He don't need to knock!

He said nothing at first, his eyes moving slowly over her—they seemed lighter in color than she remembered—finally resting on her hair, which flowed over her shoulders in shining waves, she remembered that she wasn't wearing a cloak but her eyes are still covered and that's more important.

Yet, those few moments of silence unnerved her, and she was further unsettled when it seemed he had to force his eyes away from her to scan the room.
When his eyes meets her, like he can see what's  behind the fabric, he said to her,

“I looked everywhere for you but you hide yourself here, isn't it a bit selfish?" The last thing she wanted was to be left alone with him, not after her frustration increasing by minute he stood in front of her.

So her voice was a bit sharp when she said, “I am not hiding. I just need to d-drink my meds.” Victoria closed the bottle and put it inside her satchel again. Making sure to act natural to avoid any mistake.

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