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"I can't resist you anymore," Lukas gasped and he lunged towards her, taking her into his arms and pressing his warm mouth against her lips.
Victoria squeaked in protest and tried to push Lukas away.

Lukas was stronger than she, and he held her tightly as his mouth opened her lips and his warm tongue slid into her own warm mouth. She tried to fight, but she was overcome with a heady, seductive feeling and she found herself collapsing in his arms as she gave up the battle.

Lukas groaned as she gave in, and he held her more tightly as his mouth became more persistent. Timidly, Victoria parted her lips, letting Lukas further invade her mouth and he grabbed her tightly again, crushing her small body against his massive framebroad one.

Victoria found herself mimicking his movements; her own lips moving softly against his as she shyly ran her tongue over his teeth.

"Victoria!" Lukas gasped, "Oh, Victoria!" His voice was filled with desperate longing and he kissed her as if his life depended on it. Finally, Victoria wrenched out of his embrace.

"I can't!" she cried, rubbing at her sore mouth.

"Yes, you must," he said gruffly. "It's been so long. And I've watched you for so long. Wanted you for so long."

Victoria found this odd that her body responds to Lukas like it had known him for such a long time.

"It's wrong! It's indecent!"

"No! It's just as it should be!" he argued, pulling her towards him again.

"Succumb," he whispered and Victoria melted as she felt his mouth on her again.

His mouth was hungrier now and his tongue probed her mouth before he moved away from her lips. He began to trail kisses down her face and along her neck. Victoria moaned as she felt his hot breath against the delicate skin of her throat. His mouth trailed further south until his lips brushed against her collarbone. Victoria shivered as his mouth hovered so close to her breasts.

"Give yourself to me, Victoria," Lukas breathed and Victoria heard herself moan. Lukas kissed down her body, his mouth pressing against the soft fabric of her clothes. He tugged her down, and she fell in a heap on top of him, the mattress is cool and soft against her skin. Slowly, Lukas undid her boots and slipped her socks off. Instinctively, Victoria wrapped her legs around him.

"You're beautiful," Silas murmured, before sealing his mouth over her lips. Victoria felt herself becoming swept away in the moment and she grinded against Lukas, desperate for more of his kiss. Lukas reached around and began ripping the little fabric left that hides her body from him.

Victoria snapped back to reality.
"No!" she gasped, putting her hands up to stop Lukas.

"Don't fight this," he murmured into her ear, nuzzling her neck.

"No! I can't do this! This should stop," she cried.

"Victoria, Victoria," he crooned, "You are ought to be mine."

Victoria felt tears slide down her cheeks.

She's losing her control, and she can't accept it.

She can't accept the fact that she's letting him touch her and do sinful things to her.

She's very responsive and she fucking hate it!

"I can't. This is wrong."

"You don't have a choice. Give in and take the pleasure I am giving you."
Victoria knew that Lukas would do this either way. She couldn't fight it and she shook her head with shame. What would her family think of her?

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