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Victoria POV

"I'm not hiding anything?"
Lukas's eyelashes are thick and as inky as his hair. A small, beauty mole sits at the edge of his deep, smoky eyes.
He stares down at me with a cold, foggy edge that matches the colour of his eyes.

Call it instinct, but something tells me I should be scared of him.
Like that prisoned thing from earlier, something claws at the corners of my chest, screaming at me to run and never look back.

That's ridiculous, why should I run?
"Are you sure?" he asked me in a detached tone before his lips curve into a cruel smirk. "It looks like you do."
My cheeks tint in red, but it's not due to embarrassment but hatred.

My blood boils to the point that I can smash Lukas's to the ground.

I open my mouth to say something
but I'm cut off when he caress my cheeks

I should've seen what'll happen next.

But I don't.

A strong hand wraps around my throat.

Pain shoots down on my neck and tightens the pit of my stomach.

I always thought myself brave, but nothing, absolutely nothing could've prepared me for this sudden, aggressive attack from my enemy.
The red eyes glare into my soul with murderous intent. The dark shadow on his face terrifies me more than his grip on my throat.

His other hand clutches my jaw, and my lips tremble at the thought that he'll snap my neck.

"W-What are you doing?"
He leans forward so his mouth hovers inches away from mine and growls.

"I will destroy you if you disobey me assassin."

"I. Won't. Let. You. Have. Me." I ground out and my teeth gritted. "You want an heir? Then you're gonna need to birth one yourself."

Protect the mate was the instinct that drove all males in haze but Lukas is different.

Lukas caressed my jaw and stare at my covered eyes.

"If you don't acknowledge the Shifter, if you don't learn how to control what's going on inside you, you're going to go feral."

"Feral?" He sable brows drew down.

"What the hell does that mean?" he is acting like he doesn't know about that but I'm sure he's doing this to avoid the embarrassment.

"It means what it sounds like. The beast in you takes over, and you forget what it is to be human, even in your human form. You'll live only to kill and to mate. You'll start resenting people for trying to keep you in your castle. You'll try to get away from them. You might even hurt them."

He looked stunned. "I'd never do that."

"You won't mean to, but you will. You can keep them safe if you learn how to stop your wolf and have your true mate. I won't let you make wrong decisions Lukas so back off."

"So you knew about my situation?"
Lukas clamped down on my wrists, at the end of his patience.

"If you go feral, I might not bother Collaring you. I'll kill you like an animal, and your people will have to live a life without a king that guides them. Is that really what you want?"

I felt his emotion changes, but he kept up his glare. "I'm a king and it will keep me from going feral?"

"Not necessarily, sometimes the human side helps. Sometimes it doesn't. And you being a king makes your wolf stronger and tougher"

"I'm not giving up my entire life to live like an animal," he said. "I'll risk everything."
he added with a growled.

"Then you should quit playing around King Lukas. Stop bothering me or your secret is out for all to know."
His eyes widened. "How-"

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