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She massaged his shoulders and glanced down. His arms were thick bands of muscle and he had the broadest chest. He could hurt her if he wanted to but she really had no fear of him. Their gazes met and he lowered his head.

Victoria closed her eyes, expected his kiss and he didn’t disappoint when his mouth took possession of hers.

She tensed a little when she felt Lukas’s hand slide up her thigh. His fingertips were textured with calluses when he stroke her cl*t. His mouth worked hers, turning her focus there.

Pleasure rolled through Victoria as he teased her cl*t, drew little circles around the bud. She kissed him wildly, moaned against his tongue and her nails bit into his skin. He slowly withdrew from her mouth but his lips brushed hers as he spoke.

“Open your thighs wider for me, as much as you can. My hips are large and I want to feel your heat.”

His arm hooked her gently behind her àss, tugging her closer to the edge of the bed.

If it wasn’t for his body she knew she would have slid right to the floor.

She did as he asked, wanted to give him as much access as he desired.

“This time, let me pleasure you Victoria,” he rasped.

She realized what he meant by his words. He's determined to make it better for her. His body was big, he was on his knees and between her. She glanced to the side, and saw a dark rose with its beautiful red petals.

She felt like a rose in his stare. She felt so beautiful in his arms.

She met his gaze and nodded.

“Tell me if you want me to stop.”

“I don’t. Because I want you Lukas.”

He groaned, closed his eyes and kissed her. His mouth and tongue melted with hers as she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and hooked her legs around the back of his thighs just for something to cling to. His fingers tormented her, stroked her cl*t until she hurt to come and he seemed to sense how close she was. He eased off the bundle of nerves and one finger slid lower, tested the slit of her p*ssy and slowly pushed inside. She moaned at the feel of him slowly finger-f*cking her, going in, sliding out, before going deeper.

Her hips rocked and she used her hold on him to press her pelvis closer to give him better access. His finger totally withdrew, she uttered a protest by groaning, but he responded by stretching her v*ginal walls with two fingers. That made her cry out her enjoyment and hold onto him tighter.

He brushed her cl*t with his hand and rubbed a spot inside her p*ssy that made her moan.

He zoned in on it, rubbed it again, finger-f*cked her a little harder and she went a little wild from desperately needing to come. Lukas growled in response to her vocal pleas and withdrew his fingers.

Victoria’s eyes opened. “Don’t stop.” She stared into his eyes. “Please, don’t! I want more Lukas!”

His face turned a little harsh as he growled, his beautiful eyes wild and he suddenly leaned back. “Let go Victoria.”

Shock washed through her that he was ending what was happening to them but she released him with her hands and unhooked her legs from the back of his. He didn’t move farther away from her though. Instead he stunned her by grabbing the pillow on the bed, threw it on the floor between her spread feet and grabbed her.

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