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 His skin was soft under her fingers as she traced slowly up his sternum, splaying her fingers out to cover his shoulder. 

She nuzzled at his neck, licking at his salty skin and luxuriating in the taste. His fingers clenched her waist but didn't move. She kissed lower, moving away from his neck and nipping at the hollow of his throat. His cock hardened against her and she was already wet and ready for him. She pulled back, kissing down his chest and sliding back from his body. 

His fingers tried to grasp at her, but they couldn't hold on. She slid down, kneeling between his thighs. Lukas's eyes locked onto hers, glowing faintly in the light of the room.

She had heard that happened sometimes when a werewolf was aroused, but had never seen it. 

And here he was, eyes glowing for her.

Excitement and heat shot through her.

She ran her hands up and down his thighs, feeling the muscles clench. His erection was visible and she ran her hand over his fly, as he moaned. His cock stood tall and proud in front of her. Victoria's mouth watered at the sight of his head hot and hard for her.

She licked her lips and Lukas moaned once more, urging her to hold him, to suck him, to do something and have mercy on his straining penis.

Victoria kissed him again, she was already wet, her pussy crying out for his touch, for anything. She reached a hand between them, feeling the hard length of his rigid cock. He groaned against her mouth as she ran her palm over him.

Breaking the kiss, she eased her way down his body, kissing, licking, nipping lower and lower until she sank to her knees in front of him and placed a soft kiss on the head of his glorious cock. Taking part of him in hand, she closed her lips over him, savoring the purely masculine taste, the heat of him.

From the corner of her eye she could see him grip at the edge of the bed, his knuckles white as he strained to keep control. Their tacit challenge spurred Victoria on. She increased her speed, bobbing against him, fucking his cock with her face and felt him harden even further. His hips bucked once, but he reined himself back in.

Victoria groped around his back, sinking her nails into the fleshy expanse of his ass.

And he was undone.

Lukas thrust into her with abandon, his hands in her hair as he took over, fucking her face.

But at that last moment he pulled back, just as she thought he would come. But he dragged her up.

He curved his hand around her neck and brought her lips to his. She opened sweetly for him, accepting his tongue into her mouth as he licked into her, slanting his head to draw her closer. He could feel the tantalizing whisper of her nipples against his chest, the wetness of her cunny as she settled on his thighs just behind his cock. His left hand gripped her hip and in the end, he had to break the kiss. 

“Slide forward.”

She looked uncertain and he realized that she was about to regain her consciousness.

He should not have felt fear at that thought.

She rose on her knees above him, looking down, and their fingers tangled on his cock. He watched and felt as she lowered herself, slowly sheathing herself on him, her soft pink folds parting and accepting him within herself again.

The fit was tight and good, and he had to resist the urge to buck up into her, to end this too soon.

She licked her lips, her eyes dark, and looked at him inquiringly.

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