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Someone was shaking her to wake up. Victoria swatted at the hand in the hope the owner would leave her alone.

She wanted to sleep more, she felt so tired and sore...



“Come on, baby, rise and shine. Time to get ready. It's our first day being mates.”

She moaned and turned away, grunting for whoever it was to leave her alone.

“I need to sleep,” she called and it’s true! She really needs it.

“Shall I strip naked and join you again in bed?”

Victoria jerked upright. Lukas stood with his hands by his side and an arrogant smile on his face. 

“Is the invitation still open? I would gladly accept it.” Victoria was shocked while looking at his smug smile.

“It was never open, now get out!” she replied. Victoria rubbed her eyes and tried to focus on the clock.

“What time is it?”

“The time doesn’t matter, but we’ll be having a meeting in my office. Also, I need to arrange a date, to introduce you as my mate—”

He stopped what he was saying, and she opened her eyes to see what the problem was. Lukas was staring down at her breast.

It looked like she didn't realize that she's still naked and now she was giving the bastard a view that made him look like a lost puppy. The blanket did nothing to cover the huge things she possessed.

She grabbed at the blanket to try and cover her breast more, but he stopped her.

“I love them Victoria, I love how it fits my hands perfectly, I also love your nipples which I won't get tired sucking and licking with my mouth and tongue.” he moaned. Victoria had never liked her chest. They always caught some men’s attention, and the next thing she knew, she’d be the brunt of all the tit jokes and lustful stares they could come up with. And she hates it when she needs to train but her breast gets in the way. 

“I don’t like them, so quit giving compliments and just get the hell out of here.” she admitted. She used her hands to cover them.

Lukas reached out and took hold of her hands, his eyes so clear, the desire within them startling. 

“Never hide them from me, I'd marked them, taste them and it only proves that they are mine to looked and sucked, and I won't stop the compliments because it fits you perfectly Victoria," His lips curved into a smile and he caress her face with his fingers.

"You would always look stunning in my eyes. Especially now that I can see the aftermath of our mating, now that I can smell my seed in your womb, see my marked on you, see your lips swollen with my kisses and can see your beautiful eyes telling me that you are finally mine.”

She held her breath as he pulled her hands and blanket away from her body.

She wanted to scream in frustration, and hide her breast again with her hands but it didn’t matter. Hers were always big no matter what she did and she can’t hide them with only the help of her hands. Should she push him away? 

But damn! 

She liked the desire shining in his eyes more than she wanted to cover up.

She's turning crazy! Every time he smiled, touched and kissed her she can't protest. Something stopped her from doing that. 

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