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Victoria leaned forward. “Open your mouth.”

He did it without hesitation. Victoria clung to him as their mouths molded together and their tongues met. Within minutes, Lukas carried Victoria into the bedroom. He stripped her and laid her gently down on the bed.

“I love watching you strip,” she smiled as he undressed at the end of the bed.

“I love you not wearing any clothes at all.”

Victoria touched her stomach. “I have stretch marks.”

His gaze took them in. “I think they are beautiful and they are caused by my child inside you.”

He smiled at her and now he was naked. “I am lucky to have you, Victoria.” He stared into her eyes. “I need to be with you, Victoria. I want to be wherever you are and I never want to leave. We belong together.”

“I won’t ask you to leave.”

He smiled. “And I won't let you leave because you belong to me and I belong to you forever. I will not let you go and I will do everything to make sure you never want to let me go.”

Victoria stared into his amazing eyes.

“I’m grateful to have you as my mate, Lukas.”

He grinned. “Open your thighs for me, Victoria.”

She spread her legs, smiling at him. Lukas climbed onto the bed and a purr rumbled from his throat. Big hands caressed her skin as he lowered onto her body, placing light kisses on her belly, upper thighs and inching closer to her p*ssy.

“Say my name.” His voice, even lower, even more gravelly than usual, interrupted her frantic thoughts.


It was as if his name on her lips put a spur on him. He lowered his head so fast she hadn’t the time to react, to try to pull him back, and once he’d found his goal …

She didn’t want to.

She’d never felt such a wicked thing. He was licking her. Licking into her folds, lapping at that hard pebble at the apex of her slit, tonguing his way in deeper, circling and probing. She caught her breath and then couldn’t exhale, her body shivering, her soul quaking.

There were sounds—moist, intimate sounds. The sound of him pleasuring her in an act that felt like a primitive branding.

He opened his mouth, placed it over her cl*toris, and sucked, and then she completely lost her mind.

It went flying out the window as she arched under him and moaned, low and embarrassingly loud—well, it would’ve been embarrassing if she’d still had her mind, which she did not. Because he was doing something so deliciously sinful that she was actually pushing against him with her hips, whining under her breath, wanting more.

And he just kept doing it. Sucking and licking and—oh!—thrusting a finger inside of her until she exploded. She felt the combustion, the tremors, the roaring in her ears, and then the wonderful, languorous warmth. It snuck through her limbs, turning her muscles to pudding while her bones were utterly weak, sweet and open.

Victoria giggled. Perhaps she had lost her mind.

She opened her eyes to see Luksd sitting up beside her, watching her, his lips curved gently and his blue eyes almost warm.

“Lukas,” she whispered, and held out her hand to him.

He took her hand, spreading her fingers and kissing each one.

She held her breath, her eyes blurring. He touched her and cherished her.

Victoria closed her eyes. “Goddess, that feels amazing.”

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