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There was no way the feelings running through her at his touch weren’t breaking a ton of laws…

They approached the edge of the floor and he turned her effortlessly, a complex set of steps that had his thigh sliding between hers to control and guide her as her skirts swished and flared with the movement. Clinging to him with a small gasp, she looked up to find him watching her his blue-with a hint of red gaze dark with heat and something else. 

She wasn’t so naive that she didn’t recognize lust on a man’s face.

Her little shiver made his nostrils flare and his eyes darkened even further. Before she realized what, he was about to do, he’d turned her again in the steps of the dance, but this time they didn’t swirl back onto the dance floor.

Instead, he turned her the other way, dancing her right through a doorway and into another room.

She gasped, looking around as he pulled away, to see they were in a large, book lined study. 

“Why did you bring me here?” she asked, not backing up. She held his gaze as he stalked toward her. 

“We should go back! Your mate which is my brother might come, how can you have him if you are here?” 

He shrugged, a little smile playing at the corner of his lips. 

“You look beautiful Victoria, that my wolf is screaming for me to mark you as my own.”

Victoria blinked and tried to back up a step, but he easily followed her, snagging her around the waist in a lightning fast movement to bring them close again.

“There are more reasons to say no to your wolf Lukas. Because you are mated to my brother, you are the king and we're not supposed to do this, I am not your concubine that you can fuck whenever or wherever you want. What we have here is a mistake. Can't you see it?” she said breathily and then almost kicked herself. Way to go for sounding… desperate, she didn’t know what she sounded like. Certainly not how she normally did anyway.

“Oh, yes. But I am going crazy right now Victoria! I am going crazy for the fact that I should stop myself yet something is pulling me towards you. Even my wolf is not helping me. He should stop me but he's pushing me toward you.” Her fingers curled in the lapels of his jacket as he walked her backward until the back of her hips met the edge of something solid. The desk.

“You are just confused! This thing between us is not normal…We should stop this—”

"But I can give you everything Victoria, you don't need to fought in battles, the luxuries and even the highest title would be in your hands"

She frowned as he ticked through the benefits.

“But… you’re also a wolf, aren’t you? That means you have to put yourself in danger a lot, you would always try to kill for satisfaction. Is all this worth that? Worth the danger?” she whispered, her heart clenching at the thought of him fighting, killing and becoming feral.

And how about him being someone that she should hate?

“Oh yes, sweetheart, it’s worth it.”

His voice was low as he reached up to stroke a strong finger under her chin. It was the barest touch, a gentle brush of skin on skin, but she obeyed instantly and lifted her lips to his. He claimed them with a low rumble in the back of his throat, mouth moving over hers in the briefest caress. 

“It means I get to protect beautiful ladies like you.”

She sucked a breath in at the compliment, the air shuddering between them over her lips. He thought she was beautiful? She didn’t get a chance to ask the question because his mouth claimed hers again. 

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