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Victoria's POV

Lukas keeps his eyes on me. His calm manner almost makes me sweat.
I wait for him to speak, matching his icy gaze with my own. Inwardly, I curse his presence. I want to crack into the papers and start filling in the gaps in my rescue plan, but I can hardly start with Lukas sneering at me. And he knows it. He’s enjoying this, as he always enjoys bothering people. I think it makes him feel better about his own demons, to make demons for everyone else.

“What exactly are you doing?” he asks, his voice smooth and devoid of all emotion. It’s his favorite tactic, giving no indication as to his mood. It’s useless to search his eyes or his face for any feeling, to try to read him as I would any other person. He’s too skilled for that.

I answer simply, head held high.

“I'm helping those people.”

Lukas hmms deep in his throat and I don't know if it's a positive response or the opposite.

“Very well,” he says, and I thought he won't speak anymore but he did.

“Am I useless? Or should I say coward?” Lukas mumbles. He kicks at a loose pebble. It skitters away, spreading ripples across the wet ground.

“You said that already,” I reply. “Along with a few other things.”

“Well, I meant it.”

“If you think you deserve every word then embrace it.”

Silence drags over us like a heavy curtain. We both know this is strange topic.

But being friendly aren’t exactly my favorite thing, and I don’t want this kind of conversation especially if it was with him, acting like he's my closest friend.

“We don’t have to talk—” He cuts me off, putting a hand on my arm. His touch is firm but friendly. The lines between us are clearly drawn, and he seemed to value our conversation enough to never cross the boundaries. 

The lust is forgotten as if it wasn't there before.

He changed so much in the last few hours.

Is it possible that he realized his mistakes?

Is he afraid to make a move?

“I’m sorry,” he says. “But, can you tell me what it means to love someone—have you ever tried to love someone?”

“Why ask?” I growl, trying to push past him.
But his grip tightens.

“Even if you won’t admit it. I think we are both sailing in the same boat Victoria.”

It isn’t worth the argument. “Fine. I admit it, I am not truly aware about how love exist aside from the love I have for my family.” I forced through clenched teeth.
I averted my eyes, and he wasn’t able to notice my face turning scarlet.

“But as I remember, I asked my mother once about it and she said that loving someone is the act of being afraid to see your lover in pain or in danger,” I mumble and hope Lukas will understand.

“So for me? It's a weakness.” I added, while Lukas’s face falls. The harsh sunlight illuminates him from behind, giving him a halo.

I must say that he’s a handsome beast, and if he isn’t considered a monster then maybe a woman like me can appreciate him.

And if only my heart fell for him instead of hating him then maybe...

Wait—what am I thinking?

“I don’t think so Victoria, love can be exploited, I guess, used to manipulate. It’s leverage. But I would never call loving someone else a weakness. I think living without love at all or any kind of love, is a weakness. And the worst kind of darkness," he said and I swallowed thickly. The tears don’t fell so immediate anymore.

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