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“We might as well get this over with, we need to go back.” Lukas sighed, and he beckoned for Victoria to follow him. They went down the steep wooden stairs and Victoria gaped when she found Edward sitting comfortably in the sitting room. 

 Victoria couldn’t help but smile and Edward scoffed but when he roamed his eyes on her, he gaped. “W-What happened—you turned into...”

 Into what? A woman?

 Victoria rolled her eyes but halted when she heard another person spoke.

 “You’re b-beautiful,” Nicholas said, gently pulling on Victoria’s hand but suddenly Lukas walked between them, forcefully separating her and Nicholas hands, before moving to sit on a vacant chair.

 What the hell?

 'He’s crazy!' She thought

 Nicholas was shocked and Victoria felt the same.

 There's a big space to walked on but he decided to walked between them.

 “I-I—Thank you...”

 Victoria tried to smile politely toward Nicholas, but the movement felt false and she sat in a nearby chair, holding her gaze on the floor.

 Nicholas waved Victoria off and trotted towards Elder Jadissa.

 “We’ve got a major problem on our hands, so flirting is not needed right now.” Lukas said, gesturing his hands towards Victoria.


 Is he for real?

 "I am not flirting—"

 “I'm kidding Victoria, but for now let's talk about the important and serious matter.”

 This got Victoria’s attention and she snapped out of her frustration and remembered what Elder Jadissa and Lukas were talking about.

 Yes she definitely need to hear the answers from him.

 “I heard you want to go back, what's your plan? Is this part of your game?” she accused, jumping out of her seat. For some reason, her anger made her feel aroused and she tried to rectify her two feelings. 

 She can't understand herself.

 After being with him there's something inside her pushing her to crave for him

 What did he do to her?

 “Have you told the child nothing?” Elder Jadissa chided and Lukas shook his head.

 “I shall explain. I’m sure you’re frustrated. You wanted to go back alone but I can't let you do that Victoria. This enemy that we might face is someone stronger than you thought. I-I can't let you step a foot on a trap." He seems genuine, his kindness almost touched Victoria, but she won't buy that. It had been such a confusing day for her and him acting like he cares for her is very unusual.

 The tension is thick until Nicholas stood and pulled three mugs from a cabinet. He poured a type of red liquid into each mug and passed them to Lukas, Edward and the others but Edward passed his mug to Victoria.

 And Victoria looked at him confused.

 "You need that to calm your nerves."

 The others drank immediately but Victoria hesitated.

 “Dark Mead,” Elder Jadissa explained. “Try it. You’ll like it.”

 Victoria took a sip and she closed her eyes as the delicious liquid ran over her tongue. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted. It was sweet and tart from unknown flavors and it warmed her insides immediately. She went to take another long drink of the mead.

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