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“They want me to throw the bouquet,” she whispered, smiling at his obvious impatience.

“Well, throw the damn thing and let’s get out of here.”

Victoria glanced around for a second and then smiled. There was a wickedness to her smile he would have worried about if directed at him. Then she threw the bouquet directly at the woman from the far end, who'd spoken to him earlier.

“Good luck!”

He didn’t miss the tall figure of his new third in command behind the woman who had the bouquet in her hands. The third in command's eyes bright with interest and a healthy dose of lust. He chuckled. “I have a feeling she’s going to need it.”

Considering they’d done their duty, he swept out of the door with her still in his arms.

Long strides took him away from the reception hall. There's a barn set back from the main building. He headed that way in silence rather than head up to their main bedroom. After so many years of looking after himself without servants underfoot, he didn’t want to be bothered by them now. Reaching the door, he shouldered it open and strode within.

She glanced around the barn, her brows rising. “So, um, did you have a particular reason in mind for bringing me here?” She blinked and smiled. “Not that I mind the horses and all. In fact, I love them, but um...” Her gaze darted down to his mouth. She leaned forward to brush her lips on his.

“I'm babbling. But forget my words.” She twined her fingers into his hair.

“I don't care where you take me, as long as it's just the two of us.”

He grinned, feeling very lucky to have this woman in his arms.

Lukas pushed open the door to the nearest clean stall. Kicking the door shut behind him, he dropped Victoria's feet to the ground and backed her up in the same movement. His lips crashed down on hers for a brief, hard kiss.

“Reason…” He broke away to kiss her neck, nipping her ear. “It’s been too long since I’ve been inside you, and the house has too many people between us and a bedroom.”

“Mmm,” she moaned. “Yeah. Too far. Not good.” She ran her hands down his shoulders under his clothes and yanked at the shirt tucked in his pants.

“Whoever invented dress clothes needs to be killed. Too much stuff in the way. I want you naked, right away.”

He sucked in a hard breath as her small hands found skin. His own weren’t idle, wrestling with the frothy voluminous skirts of her dress, seeking her legs.

“Like this dress,” he growled, frustration biting deep until he managed to fight his way through the damn stuff. His hand, wrapped around her thigh, slid higher.

A shiver worked its way through him to wrap around his c*ck, already hard in his dress pants. Her skin was so soft, so smooth. For an instant, he felt like the brute so many had called him, but her soft gasp of pleasure as he reached the curve of her ass and her hands fumbling with his fly sent the thought skittering out of his head.

“Impatient, my queen?” he teased, amused by her growls of irritation when she couldn’t get his fly open. Instead of helping her, he hauled her thigh up, pinning it to his side as he stroked his fingers over her satin covered p*ssy lips.

“Oh, goddess!” She gasped, followed by, “F*cking hell! Get these pants off before I shred them.”

Amusement escaped in a careful laugh, a sound he hadn’t heard himself make in years. Reaching between them, he flicked the fastenings on the fly loose with a practiced gesture. She crowed in triumph, already reaching for him, but he beat her too it.

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