chapter 5

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Lukas's fangs sliced into the supple female flesh beneath his lips she cried softly into his ear, her body arching forwards to press against the full length of his. He flexed his fingers against her curves and drew her closer still. He closed his eyes and breathed in deep, silencing the buzzing in his mind as the warmth of her chased the cold way.

His wolf is surprisingly calm after having the taste of blood.

He pulled his fangs free, wrapped his mouth around the twin puncture marks and drew slowly on her blood.

His eyebrows pinched in a frown.

Not the sweet taste of nectar she had promised, but the bitter taste of her blood coated his tongue.

He swallowed it with a grimace and resisted the urge to snarl against her throat, focused instead in satisfying his bloodlust. The buzzing in his skull grew stronger, destroying the brief moment of calm, as his wolf started to fight for dominance.


Not the female in his arms, but the one who had manage to escape from his grasp making him face this suffering again.

A snarl curled up his throat and he sank his fangs back into the female, he felt her tense and heard her gasp, but he didn't notice either as he gave his voyeur the same show as always, a vision of fury and hatred.

Lukas tore his teeth from the willing female's neck and shoved her back. She staggered but still moaned for she is too high from his bite to care how he treated her.

She is naked below him, exposing her breasts and her flesh. She whimpered as he palmed her full breasts and he smiled slowly as the buzzing in his mind, and the howl of his wolf, grew stronger.

Scarlet spilled down on his female and the multiple wounds on her throat makes his wolf growl so he swooped on that trail of blood, lapping it up and following the lines back to the puncture marks. She moaned sweetly, writhed and rocked in his arms, and he clutched her to him, planted both hands on her bare backside and dug his claws into her peachy globes.

He licked the wounds, each sweep harder than the last, and then let out a feral snarl as he sank his fangs back into her. She jerked against him, her keening cry echoing around the sparsely furnished room. Ecstasy, he could feel it in her.

But he couldn't find it for himself.

He pulled his fangs free and bit down again, and again, and each time the female shuddered and cried in pleasure, then suddenly she began to sob as she wriggled in his arms the scent of arousal permeating the air. The rougher he was with her, the more she got off on it.

He tore into the female's neck, rending deep puncture wounds that spilled blood like a waterfall down to her bare breast, the warm liquid soaking and sticking to his chest. His heart thumped in a painful rhythm against his ribs, blood pumping hard and thirst at the helm as he drank from the female.

Hell, he wanted her.

She squirmed against him, moaning in sweet supplication, rubbing her bare curves against his body.

He wanted to fuck her.

But it wasn't going to happen though, and that knowledge only made him rougher with her as the buzzing in his mind mocked him, a constant reminder that he hadn't been able to get hard for a female for almost a century now, all because of his mate.

Raw anger surged through him and he drank deeper courted the darkness in the hope it might take him away from this room.

But his bloodlust was an uncooperative bastard, seemingly determined to see him suffer in other ways tonight, refusing to come to his aid when he needed it most, needed to drown in oblivion and forget everything.

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