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She’d argued with herself as she removed her clothes and moved herself toward the bed, even as she’d been careful to keep to herself hidden for fear that she might see him. The reasons were well worn by now. 

 They were of different classes and different Clans. 

 Also, she had a promise to her family to think of. He was too intense, a man not easily led. She wouldn’t be able to hold the upper hand with him. And yet...

 And yet...

 Maybe it was because she’d spent all day debating and redebating herself. None of the arguments seemed to hold sway anymore. She shrugged them aside because they paled in comparison to her need. She needed to feel him inside her once again. Shocking, how animal she’d become. She’d never done this before—pushed reason aside, let her physical self-rule. It was a frightening thing, to give herself solely over to the sensual.

 Frightening, and exhilarating at the same time. She’d always held herself in strict control, been the one in control. 

 But right now, she felt weak without his touch and without him by her side, she felt alone.

 So terribly alone.

 She tensed as she heard a footstep outside the door. She was ready for him, nude and already in bed, and she felt excitement shoot through her. 

 What the hell is she thinking?

 W-Wait did she locked the door?

 Victoria is in the state of panicked and she tried to calm herself but when she heard the door to her bedroom opened, her heart fell from her chest.

 Damn! How stupid is she?

 Lukas closed it behind him, not bothering to disguise his limp once inside the room. In that moment before he saw her, she noticed the lines that carved furrows into his cheeks, the slump of his broad shoulders. He was weary, she could tell, probably not yet recovered from her act of abandoning him. And she didn’t care. She needs to push him away.

 She saw the moment his eyes met hers. He paused, his coat half off, and she sat up in the bed. Her bed. The coverlet slipped to her waist, revealing her bare breasts. “I tried looking for you, yet you are good at hiding Victoria, and now it's only seconds before the moon will rise in the sky. So why don't you join me.”

 "No! I don't care!" She said, but suddenly she felt something within her screaming for warmth.

 “You are very naughty Victoria, I told you to wait yet you choose to disappear.” He pulled off his coat. His

 tone was casual, but his eyes were on her breasts. He's dangerously staring at her body. And Victoria is not comfortable with that so, she covered her nudity with her hands, while glaring at Lukas who just grinned at her.

 "Get out Lukas! You are not welcome in my bedroom. You said its mere seconds and the full moon will rise so why waste it here? Why don't you hunt and leave me alone—" 

 "I would, if you show me first your breasts." Victoria gritted her teeth, wanting to smacked him for doing this to her.

 "No! So fucking get the hell out of here."


 Victoria heard a voice in her head and heat exploded in her body. She leaned a little back on the pillows, which had the effect of thrusting out her breasts. She didn’t have to look down to know that her nipples had tightened in reaction to the night air—and to him.

 W-Wait what the hell is this?

 Victoria take a glimpsed on the view outside her window and from there, she found out that the moon is rising.

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