Chapter 12

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"Forget the obvious. Ignore it. Disregard it. The truth, you seek, often hides beyond the apparent."

I remember these words whom my mother uttered in front of my six years old self.

She believes that something awaits in the darkness and fog.

Back then, I was young to believe her.

"When you hear the thicket rustle, do you believe that the briar moves of its own accord? No. Because my dear, there is something awaits and hidden behind the tangle of thorns."

When I started to put pieces together I realized that I must pry apart the twined briars — and yes, blood will spill on my hands but a reward of truth will appear, because I might find what stirs the thicket. Though the answers aren’t ever easy, realizations will still float ahead of me.

As the wolf king, Lukas have a sacred duty coupled with an understanding that the others lack.

His duty is to watch over his pack, to defend them from defilement and destruction.

His courage is born from the knowledge and blood on his hands, a balance of cruelty and love for his people that he ought to maintain.

His commitment and skill are evident, bound together in the way he hunt: hidden, unseen, undetected by his prey until the moment of the first and final strike.

As his prey, I should be cautious enough in maintaining our distance.

But I believe it would be difficult. He is a predator with most primal instinct, howling and hunting behind the darkness.

It’s his duty to stalk a prey like me into the darkest places of substance and Shadow, emerging with knowledge and scars he thought his alpha wolf will marvel.

But he shouldn't underestimate me.

I am one of those people who fight for the soul of justice, something that is untouched and unseen by humanity and even werewolves.

I am doing these not for thought of reward, but because I know it’s the right thing to do.

The right thing for my tribe.

Him, being my enemy makes me expect for a battle that humankind has never seen and never imagined.

But something is not right about what I felt when he was around.


I am witch! The bond won't affect me as long as he won't mark me.

That's my upper hand!

But his actions drags me to uncertainties.

And I am reassuring myself that as long as he thought his mate was a male witch, then I'm safe.

He can't have me!

We both hate each other, that's for sure!

Also, I am a hunter born to hunt him, and I must do it, I should possess the skill to survive.

In this forests, on two legs or four, Lukas might be watching the flow of every situation, and on our first night in this hunting grounds, he might have a plan.

So I should watch out for signs of change. Chaos is dangerous, and I won't  let him trick me.

And to those I ought to protect, I am as much a monster as the beings I fight.

To the predator that I'll hunt, I'll make him know that I am a living legacy of my kind— a legacy where my duty is carried out by courage.

Witches are lords and master of nature. We rose through war and discovery to get peace, we fought for duty to care for our kind but wolves fought for greedy intentions.

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