Cute Moment 😔 {3K Views}

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- 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 -

"Sanji I'm back ~" I run through the doors, to the kitchen window. I climb onto the stool and look for Sanji. He's not there, "Grandpa where's Sanji?"

"Eggplant?" He looks around for Sanji. "Rotten brat! I told him to get down here!" Grandpa puts the knife down.

"I'll go find him!" I jump off the stool and go upstairs. "Where could Sanji be? Sanji? Sanji I'm back! ~"

It's quiet, but Sanji always comes out when I call him. Maybe he fell asleep, what if he's sick?! I run to his room, "I hope Sanji is okay." As I get closer I can hear crying? Why would Sanji be crying? I slow down and walk to his room.

"I'm sorry Mum."

"Mum? I didn't know Sanji had a Mum. Where is she?" I press my ear to the door.

"I'm sorry you died. I'm sorry."

Poor Sanji, his mum died. I knock on the door softly. "Sanji I'm back ~" I don't want Sanji to be by himself.

I hear him moving, the door open. "Hi (Y/N), I didn't know you were coming."

"Hehe, Mum and Dad drop me off. They said they had some things to do ~ Also Grandpa wants you downstairs."

"Oh..." Sanji looks away.

"You're sick aren't you, Sanji?" He nods. "That's okay, I'll look after you ~ I'll go tell Grandpa and I'll be right back ~" I go to walk off, Sanji grabs my hand. "What's wrong Sanji?"

"Nothing," he lets go of me.

"If you're worried about Grandpa, don't. I'll tell him you're to sick to cook today. I'll look after you ~"

"Okay," turns around. "Thank you (Y/N)."

"It's okay, I'll do anything for you! I'll be right back!"

I run back downstairs and climb on the stool. "So where's the brat?"

"Sanji not feeling well. So he won't be cooking today."

"He thinks he can have a day off? I don't! I still get up and cook."

"That's silly, what if you make others sick? Don't worry, I'll look after him so he can cook tomorrow!"

"What if you get sick?"

"I won't be sick. Can I have some lemonade please? ~" Grandpa grumbles and gets me two cups. Comes over with a tray and plate with cookies? "What are they for?"

"They're dry biscuits."

"Aren't biscuits cookies?"

"There's a difference, cookies are softer and bigger than biscuits -"

"They're the same thing, biscuits are just a smaller cookie."

"No they're -" He turns around, "look after the brat."

"I will ~" I look at the tray, then look down at the floor. "Uhh, Grandpa can you pass me the tray pleases?"


"I'm too short, don't worry I'll come in and get it." I jump off and race for the door.

"No, you're not. Here," passes me the tray. "Be careful going up the stairs."

"I will Grandpa, thank you ~" Start making my way to the stairs.

"Precious Girl."

I stop and turn around, "yes Grandpa?"

"You should be nice to people when they're not feeling well."

"I know that Grandpa. Don't worry I'll take good care of Sanji." I walk upstairs careful and make my way to Sanji's room. "Don't spill the drinks," and place the tray on the floor. "Hehe, not one drop." I knock on the door, " Sanji I'm back ~" The door opens, "I brought us a drink, and Grandpa gave us some small cookies ~" I pick up the tray.

"Small cookies?" Sanji opens the door.

"Yep! Grandpa called them biscuits, but they're just small cookies." I walk in, "where do you want me to put it?"

"Oh here, I'll take it."

"No, you're sick. I'm taking care of you!"

"Just on the floor fine."

"Okay ~" I place it on the floor and sit down. "Sanji sit down ~"

He quickly sits next to me, he brings his knees to his chest. "You don't have to do this (Y/N)..."

"You're not feeling well, can't leave you by yourself."

He looks at me looks away. "Uhh okay..."

We sit there for a while, the room so dark. I stand up and go to the window.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm opening the curtains ~" I grab the curtains and go to open them.

"Wait!" Sanji stops me.

"What is it?"

"I want it dark, the light hurts my eyes."

"But the sun will make you feel better, it's nice and warm like a hug." He bits his lip, "okay I won't open them." He lets go of my hand, "I know I'll give you a hug."

"What?!" I hug him, "let me go!" He pushes me away, "I don't want your hug!"

"Sanji... I want to make you feel better..."

"I don't want to feel better!" He pushes me, I fall over.

"Sanji..." I start crying, "I just... Want to... Make you feel... Better..."

"Uhh..." I get up to run to the door, "(Y/N) wait I'm sorry!" He grabs my hand, "I'm sorry... It's just... I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, I'm okay..."

"You can hug me..."

I spin around and hug him, "I don't want you to be by yourself. We're friends!" I hug him tight, he hugs me back, "Sanji, you're my bestest friend!"

"I'm sorry I pushed you (Y/N). I'm sorry."

"It's okay Sanji, you didn't hurt me ~"

"That's good," he lets me go. "Let's have some cookies."

"Hehe, okay."

"(Y/N) these are biscuits."

"They're small cookies, hehe ~"

- Present Day -

"Sanji oddly quiet today," Robin looks up from her book.

"Hmm, I notice that too. (Y/N) do you know what's up with Sanji?"

"Nope, I'll go see what's up." I put my book down, and head to the kitchen. It's that time... The time he goes quiet. The day his mum died, my guess. I open the door, Sanji cooking away.

"I'm not giving you any meat Luffy." I giggle, and he quickly turns around. "(Y/N), uhh sorry. I didn't know it was you."

"Hehe, it's okay Sanji. I'm guessing Luffy has been bugging you for meat?"

He goes back to cooking. "When doesn't he? Even in his sleep he still asks."

"Haha, that's our Captain." He hums, I walk around the bench. "Sanji," he stays quiet. "You're my bestest friend." I hear him put the wooden spoon down. I hug him from behind, I feel him relax.

He stays quiet, "did you want some small cookies?"

I let go, and he turns around. "You mean biscuits?" He laughs, "I would like some small cookies please."

"Coming up," he turns around and starts cooking.

I stay in the kitchen with him. He started to smile a little. I'm glad I'm back, I can be with him on these days.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now