I Haven't Forgotten 🥺

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I know I haven't updated for awhile. I haven't forgotten the story, don't worry!
I had an idea. What if I did a story of (Y/N) and her adventures with Quill? Her time out in the galaxy? Long Time Waiting and the new story would be moved to a Sunday. Trying to do two stories per day. The story would start a week before Sanji joins the Straw Hats.
You all know, I can't help myself. I keep writing new stories. I've got 35 stories not published.

Yes 👍🏼  No 👎🏼
Stop Starting New Stories! Finish What You Started 😠



I couldn't help myself 😔 I started another story. I'm sorry 😔



I know I haven't updated in a few months. I had writer's block. Also, I've had IRL stuff, that needed my attention. As of now I've put my story on hold. Mid-October I'll be having a baby. I will try to update when I can.
I'm sorry for the lack of updates. I really appreciate all the votes, comments and adding my stories to your lists. I do read everyone's comments. I don't ignore them.
I appreciate everyone's patience.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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