Monark Starstalker 🔫

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The waiters and waitress come out with dinner. Luffy digs in straight way. Nami goes off at him and smacks him over the head.

"You know if you do that while he's eating he will choke." Chloe rubs his head.

"Maybe he should listen!"

"I don't think Luffy will ever listen." Chloe goes back to eating while keeping her hand on Luffy's head.

"I listen to you," he looks at Chloe.

"Don't eat your food so quickly."

Luffy stares at her, "I refuse..."


Luffy bites his lip, "mmm..."

"Luffy finding it hard to say no. Are they together?" Reiju

You and Sanji freeze. 'Shit! I never thought what others would think. Chloe knows she can't date. I don't think Luffy thought about it.'

"No, they're just close," Sanji answers.

"Like you two close were? ~"

"No, Chloe just found someone that she gets along with." You try to eat your dinner. "Even though she gets along with everyone. Luffy is just special to her. He's more of her protector. She feels safe with him around." 'That's it! We'll go with that.'

"I don't think she has anything to worry about." Reiju goes back to her dinner.

You were all talking, till something caught your interest.

"Did you hear there's a bounty for the Garretts?"

"I thought the Garretts were dead?"

"Apparently not, there's a bounty out for them."

'Seems I've pissed Grandma off somehow. They haven't mentioned names maybe I'm safe. What if it wasn't Grandma? What if it was Sperm Donor? How would he know I'm here? Last he saw I was face down in the mud.'

"Wait till I get my hands on those Garretts, hahaha."

Sanji stops and listens in, 'Garretts? They're dead, father killed them. And their daughter was shot.' He looks up, you were talking to Usopp.

"Sanji did you want to help me carry the drinks? ~" Reiju hints to leave the table.

"Yes, I'll help you." As he goes to get up, you look at him. "(Y/N) did you want a drink?"

"Yes, please ~"

"Sanji! I'll have more meat!"

"NO! Ladies, would you like another drink?"

Chloe, Nami and Robin answered. Reiju and Sanji went to go get drinks. "You heard as well?"

"Yes, I thought Garrett died."

"So did I. You remember the daughter's name?"

"(Y/N) Garrett," Reiju looks back at you. "No, I know (Y/N). She isn't that girl, she died."

"What if she didn't? (Y/N) is (Y/N) Garrett."

"(Y/N) isn't her. She would have a scar from the bullet."

"Have you seen (Y/N) in a bikini?" His face goes red, "you have. Does she have a scar on her chest?"

"No," 'she does have a birthmark.'

'What's that spot on your chest?'
'Oh, it's my birthmark ~''Ow! What was that for?!''Don't look at my granddaughter's chest!'

"Maybe... She doesn't have a birthmark..."

"So (Y/N) is (Y/N) Garrett. Does she know?" Reiju looks at him.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now