Cute Moment 🫢 {10K Views}

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"So Sanji and Grandpa are coming over tomorrow?"

"Yes, Precious Girl they are. Is your room clean?"

"Yes, Mummy ~ And my clothes are set out ready."

"Good girl. I got to do a few things. Why don't you jump into bed? And Daddy will read you a story."

"Okay ~" You run to your room and climb into bed.

"Ready for bed, Precious Girl?" Your dad walks in.

"Yep ~"

"What story do you want me to read?" Your dad looks through the books.

"I want one of your stories!"

"One of mine?"


"You know my stories aren't for children Precious."

"I know, but your stories have a nice queen in them. I know the story of how you met the queen! Please Daddy ~"

"Okay then."


Your dad walks over and sits on the bed beside you. "Remember you can't tell anyone my stories."

"I won't."

"I was walking through the trees. Keeping my head down, bandits were walking around. They were looking to steal anything they could get their hands on."

"And hurt people, because they're bad people."

"Yes, they are. I was walking along the tree line. I saw a royal carriage going along the road. On the other side of the road, were bandits waiting for the carriage."

"They planned to rob the Queen, didn't they?"

"Yes -"

Your mum walks in. "Are telling your story about how you met the Queen?"

"It was requested."

"You give in to her to easily."

"Hehe, I like that story ~"

Your mum walks around to the other side of you. "Keep going," your mum holds you. As you both listen to your dad.

"The bandits chased after the carriage. I watched them, I thought the guards would protect who was inside. So I kept going, keeping my head down. Not long after I heard the screams of a woman and a baby crying."

"I thought the royal guards were supposed to be great fighters. How were bandits able to knock out the guards?" Your mum asked.

"They're supposed to be. I guess these bandits were better."

"Hmm... So much for the great -"


"Sorry, Kory."


"I ran towards the screams, I saw the Queen holding a baby girl. One of the bandits was going to her hurt and her baby."

"You ran in with your dagger."


"Can I see your dagger please?"

Your dad takes the dagger out of the sheath. Hands it to you, "be careful."

"I will," you look at the dagger.

"I block the bandit, push him back. I protected the Queen and the princess."

You lean back into your mum. "There was one hiding..."

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now