Zoro ⚔️🗡

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You and Sanji were preparing dinner, as normal. Zoro walks in, looking for a bottle of saki.

"Zoro, you drinking again?" You look over at him.

"Is that a problem?"

You smirk at him, "there will be if you don't get me one."

He laughs and gets you a drink. Sanji was already getting jealous. The swordsman had started talking to you more lately. He was taking up your time when you could have been spending it with him.

You had your back towards Sanji, couldn't see him glaring at Zoro. Zoro smirks at him and turns his attention to you. He watches you skin the chicken, slicing the meat into even pieces. Notices your knifework is similar to Sanji's. That you had a very steady and quick hand.

"Hey (Y/N)."

"What's up?"

"Where did you learn to cut like that?"

You smile, "Sanji taught me. Didn't you Sanji?"

Before Sanji could reply Zoro spoke. "Eco Cook taught you? His knifework looks like shit compared to yours."

"What was that you moron?!"

"Sanji..." He quietens down and went back to cooking not without him grumbling to himself. You went back to slicing the meat.

"Have you ever thought about picking up a sword? I reckon you'll pick it up pretty quick."

"I have picked up a sword before. I use it for quite a bit, Gamora taught me."

"Who's Gamora?"

"She's my friend, she should be my sister-in-law. But Quill doesn't have the balls to ask her out."

Zoro looks over to Sanji as if to say 'sounds like someone else I know.' "So she's a swordswoman?"

"I would call her a swordmaster."

"Better than Mihawk?"

"I reckon on par, but Gamora would win. She is the deadliest and fiercest woman. She is an assassin. Yeah, she would have the upper hand on Mihawk."

"If she's so good, why haven't I ever heard of her?"

"As I've told you, the things I've seen and done you probably haven't. Gamora is one of them."

You spent the next 10 minutes arguing who was better Gamora or Mihawk.

By the time you stop arguing it was dinner time. After dinner, you help Sanji with the dishes. The whole time you were mumbling to yourself.

"Don't let that stupid swordsman get to you. I'm sure Gamora is just good of a swordswoman as you say she is."

"I know I shouldn't but still. The thing is I can't approve that Gamora is better than Mihawk. I doubt Gamora ever see Mihawk."

You wipe up the plate thinking, you got an idea.

"Hey, Sanji?"


"Mihawk trained Zoro yeah?"


"Gamora trained me. So Zoro and I can fight each other. And see who's the better swordsperson!"

Sanji almost drops the plate he was washing. "No! You're not fighting the moron!"

"Why not?"

"I know what he's capable of." He went back to washing the dishes.

"You don't know what I'm capable of. For your information, I saved a whole town. Actually a few towns."

It wasn't a town, it was a planet. The planet of Xandar... Sanji couldn't help but laugh, he too had saved towns and islands.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now