Don't Kill Them! 🤦🏼‍♀️

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Sanji comes out, see you arguing with Quill, Rocket and Groot. Who he guess was Gamora and Drax. He guesses yous were arguing from your expression. You were speaking a different language.

Reiju stands beside Sanji, "what's happening? Who are they?"

"That's Quill, Rocket the raccoon, Groot the tree person. That's Gamora I think and that's Drax."

"They're the Guardians of the Galaxy! ~" Chloe shouted. "They're fighting about Quill."

"You can understand them?" Nami asks.

"Yep ~ They're arguing about Quill's gross beard."

- The six of you talking -

"See even Chloe says it's gross! Shave it!"

"I'm not shaving it! Do you know how long it took me to grow this?"

"Since I left..."

"No, I mean yes... The beard is a commitment!"

"You're actually going to commit to something?"

"Hey, I've been in a committed relationship."

"Your hand doesn't count!"

"Lucy, Supergiant. I was committed, okay it was only for a few weeks."

"Yeah, and they were committed to killing you." Rocket

"I am Groot."

"Groot how could you say that? I thought we were friends?" Groot grows his own leafy beard. "Show off..." Quill crosses his arms and pouts.

"Now they're talking about how dirty a beard is. That it's like a toilet seat on his face. (Y/N) said Quill's face has probably seen more than a toilet seat. What does (Y/N) mean by that?"

No one wanted to explain what you meet. Luffy speaks up, "maybe he smells like a toilet?" Luffy asks

They decided to leave it at that. You turn to Chloe, "CHLOE!"



"What do I say?"


"Okay ~" She joins your side,

The seven of you are yelling, everyone watched on.

"So she can fight, but we can't?" Niji

"You shut up! This is a matter of life or death!"

"What?" Niji

"Life or death...?" Quill looks at you.

You smile at him, "yes dear Brother ~" You reach into your vile, where it normally is between your breast.

Ichiji, Niji and Yonji eyes widen. Even though Sanji knew what you were doing, he couldn't help but watch.

"Woo cookie dough ~" You pop the ball into your mouth.


You eyed off Quill, reach back into your sweater. Started laughing, you pulled out your hilt.

"Uh oh..." Quill ran off.

You press a button, the blade appears. "Where are you going, dear Brother?! " You ran off after him.

Gamora shakes her head, looks over to Chloe. "Hello, Chloe."

"Hi, Gamora ~ How are you? ~"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now