Get Them Together Plan 💞

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I walk out to set the table and Sanji starts to bring the food out. Everyone is gone, "what has he done now..."

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" Sanji places the plates down.

"Do you see anyone? Not even your family here."


"Sanji..." He looks away, "obviously they've planned something. It's only 12% of a plan! MEANS WITHOUT MY HELP YOU'RE STUCK!" I shouted, hopefully, he heard me.

"What would he be planning?"

I quickly look away, "he's a big brother. So it's probably something stupid. The other's are just following after him, ha ha." I swear if this has to do with me getting with Sanji...

"I'm surprised that Luffy hasn't come down yet..." Sanji looks around for him.

"I'll get them down here... IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE BEFORE THE FOOD GETS COLD! SO HELP ME -"  I hear footsteps. "They're coming ~ Let's get the rest of the food."

I walk back into the kitchen, Sanji behind me. "(Y/N), what was that?"

"Nothing," I smile back at him. "If they want to be feed, they can get their asses down here and eat. They know the rules."

"You have rules?"

"For my family yes, I do. The food on the table, they should get their asses moving. If it gets cold, they're eating it. I won't listen to them complain."

I pick up the other plates, head back out. Sanji grabs the rest, as we walk out no one there. I look around.

"NO DESSERT! 1... 2..."

"Umm (Y/N) what are you doing?"

"You'll see. If no asses are sitting at the table in three seconds. There will be no dessert for the next week! And no fucked up pancakes!"

"WHAT?!"  Got him, hehe. Rocket comes scurrying down, "it was Quill's, pink hair girl's and that ranga's plan!"

"Thank you, Rocket. How many fucked up pancakes do you want?"

He rubs his hands together. "TEN! Wait... Uhhh..."

"A lot it is. 1... 2..." Everyone else comes down. I eye Quill off, he flinches. "Really Peter?"

"Ha, well... You see..."

"I don't want to hear it, just eat."

- Third -

There wasn't enough room at the table. Groot kindly made one so everyone could sit down together. The whole time you eyed off. 'I'm going to kill him one day...' Sanji looks between you pair.

"I didn't think their plan would work." Ichiji ate his dinner.

"What shit are you going on about?"

"Getting you two alone. Yous we're alone in the kitchen. Why would now be any different? Sanji groan, "if you like her. You would have asked her out already." Ichiji kept eating.

Sanji stares at him, "what would you know about loving someone."

"I said like," Ichiji smirks.

"Fuck off..." Sanji looks away. He was pissed that Ichiji had corrected him.

"(Y/N) alright on the eyes." Yonji looks at you, you were talking to Gamora.

"Excuse me?" Sanji glares at him, you were a picture of beauty. You were everything to him.

"I guess if you like that. Then again she is feisty," Niji chuckles.

"She cooks, fights, what else can she do?" Ichiji eyes you off.

You felt like someone was watching you. You look around, see Ichiji staring at you. You glare at him, stick your finger up at him. Go back to talking to Drax. Sanji chuckles, you look over to see him smiling. You smile back at him sweetly. You cause him to blush a little, go back to talking.

After dinner was done, you and Sanji cleared the table started washing the dishes.

"Sanji why was Ichiji staring at me?"

"I don't know why."

"Okay," you place the plate down. "Sanji ~" He stops, looks at you. You grab his tie pull him in close. "There's only one brother I want to kiss. That brother is you." You smashed your lips into his.

You lick his lips, which shocked him. Took your chance to explore his mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck, pull him close.

Sanji wraps his arms around your waist. Finally fighting back, little fight he could feel your tongue bar. He picks you up, places you on the bench. He stands between your legs.

He broke the kiss for much-needed air. "So why were you staring at me?"

"I'm not allowed to look at you?"

"You can, I just wanted to know why? Is there something about me, that you like?" You search his eyes for an answer.

"Do I have to pick something?"

"You don't have to pick anything." You felt a little disheatened.

He cups your cheek, "there's nothing I can pick. Because... I like all of you."

You blush, "you like me?"

Sanji had his own blush, "Y-Yes I do."

"I like you too," you bring him closer again. "My gentleman ~"

Sanji kisses you, "my angel ~"

Meanwhile in the main area. "So if you three keep talking to (Y/N). It should push Sanji to ask (Y/N) out." Nami was sure that this was going to work.

The three of them sigh pissed that they had to do it. They enjoyed messing with him. They didn't want to be told to do it, that it was for his benefit.

Reiju was determined to get you pair together before they left. Sora's dream was of you together, she wanted it to come true.

"I am Groot."

"I want my fuck up pancakes!"

"What's... Stuff up pancakes?" Chopper asks.

"Pancakes that are still soft in the middle," Gamora answered.

"They're fuck up pancakes!" Gamora just shakes her head.

"I want some fu -"

"LUFFY!!" Chloe shouts at him, "no swearing!!"

"Uh, oh sorry Chloe."

"Hehe, it's okay Luffy."

"Say crude."

"Cru -"

Chloe quickly covers his mouth, "Rocket! Don't tell Luffy to swear!"

Rocket laughs climbs up Groot.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now