Cute Moment 🚭 {8K Views}

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- 𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 -

"I thought you stop smoking?" Sanji joins me on deck.

"Occasionally," I literally just lit my smoke. It's not really a smoke.

He lits his smoke, he looks at my smoke. "I've never seen that brand before."

"Cause it's not from this planet." I hold out to him, "do you want to try it?" See how bad his lungs are. He looks at the smoke, "it's okay."

"You sure?"

"These smokes are better for you?"

He looks at me, "how are they better?"

"Yours is full of nicotine. Mine isn't, mine is safer."

"You're going to tell me to give up?" He looks at his hands.

"I'm asking you to at least try mine, they're safer. I don't want you to die so early." I hold the smoke out, "please try it Sanji."

He takes my smoke, tries it. "It's different..."

"Haha, of course, it's different. Have the rest of the smoke." I take his smoke and have it. "See what you think afterwards."

I can see he doesn't like it. He holds it between his fingers like he was waiting for it to die out.

"Hehe, it's not going to die out. No matter how long you leave it. So you more as well smoke it."

He sighs, smokes it. "I'm not going to die from lung cancer."

I don't care if I'm annoying him. I'll get him to stop one way or another. "I'm not going to lose you Sanji. I've already lost Mum and Dad. I don't want to think about what it'll be like when we lose Grandma and Grandpa... Sanji I can't lose you to something that can be easily stopped. Give my smokes a go, just for a little bit please?"

He sighs, "I'll try them..."

"Thank you, Sanji," I hold his hand. "I know it'll be hard for you. I'll be here to help."

He stays quiet, I look around to see no one here. I turn him to face me, kiss him.

"If you ever need something to occupy your lips ~ I'm happy to help them occupied ~"

"Uhh... (Y/N) we're ummm..."

"No one around. No one going to see ~" I step closer to him, "or we can go back to the kitchen? ~" I back him into the rail, "what did you want to do?"

"L-Let's go to the kitchen..."

"Okay ~" We head back to the kitchen.

Sanji goes straight back to the cooking. I walk up behind him, "so ~ How was your smoke?" The smoke should have taken effect now.

"It was different, my chest feels a little tight." I watch him, I knew his smoking had affected him.

"How tight?" His face goes red, "Sanji how tight? It's a little hard to breathe, it's a bit difficult?"

"It's a little hard, nothing to worry about."

"Sanji," I take the knife put it down. "What you're feeling is the start of lung cancer."

"No, it's not. Chopper would of picked up on it."

"I gave you a medical smoke. Once inhaled it access the damage. Slowly starts repairing the damage. I knew you wouldn't believe me. This was the only way I could convince you that smoking going to kill you! The more you smoke, the harder it's going to breathe."

- Sanji -

I've never been this out of breath before. Not from Luffy eating everything, Or fighting the Marimo.

"Sanji!" (Y/N)'s eyes glass over. "Please stop! I don't want to lose you!"

- Memory -

"Grandpa who smoking?"

"Sanji smoking..."

"What?!" I can hear (Y/N) running out. "Sanji!" She looks at me shocked, "why are you smoking?! Don't you know smoking bad for you?!"

"Smoking cool -" She just slap me?

"You idiot! Smoking doesn't make you cool! It gives you lung cancer! The only thing it makes you look like an idiot! Sends you to an early grave! I'm going to be left alone!" She runs off.

"(Y/N) wait!!"

"You've really upset her." Old man comes out.

"I'm not quitting," trying not to cough.

"Even though it's making her cry? Real men don't make women cry."

I put my smoke out, go find (Y/N). She's in her room. I knock, "it's me. Can I come in, please?"

"NO! Non-smokers only!"

"(Y/N) please can I come in?"

I hear her get up, walk over to the door. "No, you can't. You're a cool dude now. I'm just a plain girl." She's crying, it's my fault...

"You're not plain... (Y/N) please let me in."


- End of Memory -

I don't want to make her cry again. "I'll give up my smokes. I'll smoke your medical ones." They taste nothing like a smoke...

"You will?" She smiles, "you'll actually give up this time? You're not lying?"

"I'm not lying."

"Good ~" She hugs me.

I still want to smoke though...

"Sanji, if you still want to smoke. Without getting lung cancer. I do have smokes that taste similar to your ones. Minus the lung cancer."

"Can I smoke them now?"

"No, not till your lungs are good and healthy."

"Do you know how long that'll take?" She looks away, "do you know?"

"Yes, but I'm not telling you. You can wait like I had to wait! Till you took this seriously!"

I cup her face, she looks up at me. "I'm sorry it took so long. I'm sorry for making you cry."

"So you should be! Real men don't make women cry."

"I promise I won't make you cry."

"You better keep that promise."

"I will," I kiss her.

This is going to be hard... Not 'smoking'... I don't want to make (Y/N) cry again. I'll do it for her.

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now