A Late Night Walk 🌚

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The rest of the day was spent in the kitchen, talking about recipes. You told Sanji about the new renovations to the Baratie. Now had two sisters. Sister Anko was a submarine for desserts run by Patty. And the Nasugasira was a teppanyaki ship. Ran by Carne, and had Sanji's first wanted poster on the top of the roof. Sanji hit his head on the table after hearing that. You hop out of your chair and hugged him from behind. Again you took in his cologne, in turn, Sanji breathes in your musk stick scent.

For dinner, Luffy had offered Chloe dinner on the Sunny. Without asking Sanji first... You couldn't help but laugh. Chloe had done that a few times to you. You offered to help him, he gladly accepted. You both cook for everyone, as Luffy and Chloe told everyone the good news. Everyone had hoped you would join, for Sanji's sake. They weren't too surprised that he had asked Chloe to join. They were surprised at how attached he got to Chloe in a short amount of time. Go as far as getting her a straw hat like his.

After dinner, everyone did their own thing. Luffy and Chloe sat on Sunny, talking about anything and everything. You and Sanji went for a walk, with nowhere in particular.

Occasionally, your hands would brush against each other. Neither of you dares to take hold of the others. Sanji decided to ask you why you were called Star-Maiden.

"So why did your brother? Peter was it?"

"He prefers Quill or Star-Lord."

"Why did Quill call you Star-Maiden?"

"His Mum called him Star-Lord before she passed. Yondu had abducted him too when he was a kid. When I was abducted, he decided to take me under his wing. He said since I was his little sister, I had to have Star in my name. He suggested Star-Princess, Star-Lady. He suggested Maiden, it was the only one I liked."

"I see, does Yondu abduct kids all the time?"

"Haha, no just us two that's it. It goes against the Ravager's code. Kidnapping and/or child trafficking."

"Ravager's code? I thought that was the name of the crew?"

"It is, the Ravagers are an interstellar crime syndicate made up of thieves, smugglers, criminals, bandits, mercenaries, bounty hunters and pirates. There are nearly one hundred factions, each faction has its own captain. The Ravagers are divided into numerous clans. Even though they're criminals, they have a strict code of honour. Quill said Yondu never elaborated on the code much. Other than stealing from everyone. The two crimes that are forbidden, will get you exiled."

"Kidnapping and child trafficking."

"Yep, Yondu and his clan got exiled for kidnapping Quill. Yondu says he never knew what the package was, he wasn't to blame. But he still kept Quill, took off with him. Then he abducted me, that's a double exiled."

"But you call him Dad?"

"I call him Daddy, Daddy Blue or Yondu. Depending on the time. He calls himself Daddy mostly."

"What?!" He stops, we're on track to the other side of the island... "How can you call a man like him Daddy?" He shouted a little.

"Cause he gave me freedom. Not only that..." I look up at the stars. I feel the tears start to well up. "He's trying to make amends. For his fuck up, calling him Daddy Blue. Is my way of accepting his apology."

"Make amends for what? For kidnapping you?!"

I shook my head and watch the stars. "No, he's the reason my parents went missing and... Died..." I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"Why? (Y/N) I don't understand why you would call him..." He stops, probably to disgusted that I call him Daddy. "He abducted your parents, took them away from you. And then kills them! What if he comes to kill you? What kind of Father is he?"

I look back at him, smile a little. "You've got it wrong Sanji. At the time he wasn't aware of me. He took my parents for some reason. But they became Ravagers like me. They were doing a job, well..." Heard Sanji walk over and felt his arms wrap around me. "They were killed..."

"He's probably lying."

I look up to him, "he's not. I saw it in his eyes. He feels..."

"He feels responsible for their deaths. That's why he abducted you." I nod, he holds me closer.

"He wanted to make sure nothing happens to me. And that I could defend myself."

I felt him tense up, "I don't agree with his reasoning. But I guess... If he protected you."

I laugh a little, "he did Sanji."

"How about I walk you home? It's getting late."

"I guess, not that I'll be going to sleep anytime soon."

"Sorry about that, haha."

We started walking back home. "It's okay, I don't mind."

We walk back in silence, comfort and I was enjoying his company. We make it back, it must be close to midnight.

"Thanks for walking me home. And letting me cook with you." It felt like old times, being close to him. I loved it.

"I couldn't let you walk home by yourself." Oh, my stars that smile! I just want to grab him and kiss him.



Way to ruin the moment! So much for asking him to come in for a drink...

Sanji looks utterly shocked, by the lewd sounds. "They do this quite often, sadly you get used to it..." He just stares at me, "you better get going before it gets too graphic." I go to grab my keys, he grabs my hands. Sanji never grabbed my hand before, look up at him.

"You're not going to go in, are you?" Why does he look worried?

"Not the front door, I've got a balcony to my room. I just need to get my keys."

"No one else... You know..." He puts his head down, I can't see his eyes.

No one else? "You mean the others have sex in the lounge room." He squeezes my hand twice, okay... "No, the others have sex in their room. Like any other decent person does, when living with housemates, haha." His hand gets tighter, starting to hurt a bit. He's not asking about the others... "If it was me, I would wait till everyone was gone, ha ha. You know so it could just be us, so no one would hear. Then again I don't know if I'm a moaner or a screamer, ha ha ha." What the fuck did I just say?!

His head shots up, and his eyes lock onto mine. Felt like I was silently integrated. "Us?" That was all he said.

"If I were to have a boyfriend, I wouldn't want anyone to hear. Can't have sex by yourself, you know?"

His hand loosens, "right. Are you sure you want to sleep here? We have a spare room if you want to."

"It's okay, as I said I'm used to it. I put my headphones on and listen to music. Hope I fall to sleep quickly."

"Oh okay," he looks away.

"Remember I've joined the crew silly, hehe."

He looks back and smiles, "I remember. Goodnight (Y/N)."

"Goodnight Sanji, guess I'll see you tomorrow after I finish work? Or maybe during?"

"Yes, I'll come for breakfast if that's okay."

"That's perfectly fine."

"I'll see you in the morning."

"See you then." I grab my keys out, Sanji still holding my hand. "Whoa!" The next thing I know, Sanji has me bride style. Lands on my balcony, that's at the back of the house. He places me down, gently.

"Had to make sure you got to your room." He turns away.

Same old Sanji, "thank you. You're such a gentleman ~" I kiss his cheek, and slide open my door. "Goodnight Sanji."

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He smiles back at me and leaves.

I close the door and clasp on the bed. "Oh... My... Stars! Sanji is so frigin... Ahhh ~" Close my eyes, I let today settle in. "Today was the best day of my life!"

[ON HOLD] Long Time Waiting - Sanji Vinsmoke x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now